ANBI status
KIT is recognized as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI). On this page, you will find information required for KIT’s ANBI status.
Official name of the organisation: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT)
Fiscal number: 25.64.476.
Contact information:
Mailing address
PO Box 95001
1090 HA Amsterdam
Visiting address
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam
Central reception & information
T + 31 (0)20 568 8711
F + 31 (0)20 69 249 47
Objectives of KIT
The statutes of KIT provide the following objectives (art. 2, paragraph 1):
- To establish an independent knowledge and expertise center for sustainable international and intercultural cooperation;
- To contribute to sustainable development and cooperation, as well as poverty reduction, with knowledge of the local context, and to increase interest and support for this in the Netherlands and abroad;
- To offer a forum and meeting place in the field of international sustainable cooperation in and between different cultural and economic realities;
- To conduct research, provide (international) education, and engage in other activities aimed at strengthening international sustainable development;
- To preserve the monumental Royal Tropical Institute building (Mauritskade 63 in Amsterdam);
and furthermore, anything related to the aforementioned or that may be beneficial to it, all in the broadest sense.
- Full Statuten Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen in Dutch
KIT is a not-for-profit knowledge and expertise organization for sustainable international development and intercultural cooperation. KIT focuses on innovative and practical solutions with a focus on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and international supply chains. Our work area includes research, advice, and training & education for international organizations, companies, NGOs, governments, and students.
We would like to refer to our current policy plan, which outlines our policy and work areas:
Composition and names of board members
The composition of the board and the names of the board members can be found on the Governance and Management page.
Standard Publication Form ANBI
Remuneration policy
KIT remunerates its employees in accordance with the KIT Collective Labor Agreement (CAO). The annual income of the director is in accordance with the remuneration standards for top executives in the public and semi-public sector (WNT).
The members of the Members Council and the Supervisory Board do not receive any remuneration for their work.
Report of activities performed
A detailed recent report of KIT’s activities can be found in the Annual Report 2023.
Financial accountability
- Financial Annual Report 2023 (including unconsolidated balance sheet, statement of income and expenditure with explanation)
- Budget 2024