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SDG Action Day 2020

SDG Action Day returns on September 25th, 2020 with the theme ‘Decade of Transformation’. The focus of the day’s events will be on stimulating sustainable transitions based upon the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The completely online programme will bring together a wide variety of young professionals, sustainability experts, CEOs, students, and visionaries united in the aim of creating partnerships and driving action on the SDGs in both the Netherlands and across the world.

SDG Action Day is organised by SDG Nederland, in cooperation with SDG House Amsterdam (part of KIT Royal Tropical Institute), the Amsterdam Municipality, Global Compact Netherlands and the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC).

KIT Workshop: New opportunities for health and well-being 10.30 – 11.45

2020 has made it very clear that business as usual is no longer an option to achieve SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-being. Covid-19 has hit health systems around the world hard, many of which were already struggling to deal with emerging health problems such as mental health and non-communicable diseases. Luckily a new generation of health innovators has arrived to formulate creative solutions to today’s challenges – from e-health to re-imagining care models.

To kick-off the action day’s health track, the SDG 3 Alliante is hosting a workshop dedicated to SDG 3. In this workshop leading health innovation thinker, Lucien Engelen, will outline the key challenges for global health and well-being – and the game-changing innovations that are emerging to address these head-on. Following the keynote, there will be an opportunity for participants to react and co-create ideas. The workshop will be moderated by Lindy van Vliet – the head of KIT’s global health unit and national SDG 3 Alliance coordinator – and Karen van Ruiten (Alles is Gezondheid).

Join us and re-imagine a future with health and well-being for all.

KIT Workshop: Matchmaking for Local Action: Less Talking and More Action 14.00 – 15.15

This workshop, hosted by the SDG House Network and KIT is designed to facilitate local connections to foster links. If we want to bring about sustainable change, we need to look beyond our own expertise, and find ways forging meaningful partnerships built at the local level.

Local SDG Houses provide the physical space to connect and interact at the local level, which via the SDG House network can be scaled up at the regional and national level. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to connect with the people that can help them make progress in their work while offering their own expertise to others.

More Information

For a full list of the 38 workshops see:

List of SDG Action Day Workshops

Tickets are soldout, but you can follow plenary session on the livestream (in Dutch) via youtube here: