Projectwerk : Team SKF
We are delighted to introduce ourselves and our project to you! Our team consists of Alex, Alex, Floris, Eva, and Floor. By names we are not that diverse or original, but in terms of personalities and backgrounds, we complement each other nicely. This is really cool not only for our project but also outside of the traineeship when we have loads of fun together. Therefore, the phase of getting to know each other better went very smoothly. Or as Alex Francis would say ‘Quick and Dirty’.
Besides getting to know each other, we also got a glimpse at our client’s business – SKF. SKF is the world leader in bearings manufacturing and sales. I see you thinking bearings… what are these again? Well, they are in everything that rolls, turns or vibrates.
Fun fact: in a modern home, there are between 100-200 bearings in different forms – from mobile phones to cars. So, you can image it’s a big business. With around 43,360 employees and 17,000 distribution locations in 130 countries they are among the largest public companies in the world. SKF is a progressive company with big plans in becoming C02 neutral by 2030 and therefore want to do what’s in their power to get there. But, they recognize that there is also a big role in this challenge for their customers and that’s where we came in. As a team, we are studying what challenges SKF’s customers face in becoming more environmentally / socially sustainable and how SKF can help bridge that gap through their value proposition – bearings. . It’s cool to see how big companies are changing their businesses and that we as young change agents can contribute.
For the coming weeks interviews are settled with a folder of their biggest customers, for the Dutch people known as ‘Suikerunie’. We are looking forward to what these interviews will bring us and eventually SKF. Hopefully we can arrange a nice cooperation where we together fight for a greener and more sustainable life on mother Earth.
Stay tuned!
Green Greetings from team SKF
Alex, Alex, Floris, Eva and Floor