Aisha Abbad
My name is Aisha Abbad, I’ve graduated from medical laboratory sciences from University of Aden in Yemen and I work in the field of Water and Sanitation and hygiene promotion.
Yemen humanitarian crisis put over 80% of people in humanitarian need. We are currently approaching our sixth year of conflict, and a devastating economic and health collapse. Yemen health system does not only suffer from the lack of qualified professionals or medical equipment but also suffers the absence of things as simple as latrines and safe water.
“ At KIT I will develop my practical and academic competencies to come up with evidence-based strategies to drive Yemen health system from the emergency phase to the development phase. ” ”
The increase of people displacement and the continuous outbreaks of communicable diseases like cholera, dengue, chikungunya, and the current covid-19 pandemic all have worsened the disrupted health situation.
At KIT I will develop my practical and academic competencies to come up with evidence-based strategies to drive Yemen health system from the emergency phase to the development phase. This programme meets my goals for addressing of the challenges of the health care delivery to the most vulnerable groups in my country.
Women’s representation is absent in Yemen
As a young female scientist, I often face underestimation from my colleagues and the Yemeni conservative community. Women’s representation is absent in Yemen due to many reasons and the lack of opportunities is one of them. This drives me even more to equip myself with the necessary skills and knowledge to move on.
Getting a master’s degree from KIT, I will serve as an example of woman empowerment to both women and men in Yemen. KIT will not only support me to acquire knowledge and skills for my home country, but it will also move forward a whole nation looking for good policy makers’ examples and looking for hope.