Darlen Dzimwe
My name is Darlen Dzimwe and I come from Malawi. I have a background in Education, and have worked mostly as research consultant in public health projects, many of them on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) issues.
I have encountered many cases and situations to do with social injustice in health care, especially for the communities in the rural areas. The public health services have often poor quality and the private health services are only available for those who can afford it. This drove me to want to contribute more, especially on good quality health care services for all, including Sexual and Reproductive Health services.
“ I want to grow beyond data collection and interpretation and make contributions by educating the public, bringing health awareness to the underserving communities/people and together with them advocate for better health services. ” ”
Minimize risks and secure a healthy future for adolescents
More than one-fifth of Malawi’s population is youth and at risk of unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. To minimize these risks and secure a healthy future for adolescents, it is important that policymakers, service providers, journalists, and advocates have solid evidence regarding sexual and reproductive health needs of Malawian youth. In addition there is need for more of parent-child communication interventions to enable discussions about SRH in the household. Parents influence their children’s attitudes and behaviors, promoting such interventions means educating and transmitting values, beliefs and expectations.
Contribute to improving issues of equity
I want to grow beyond data collection and interpretation and make contributions by educating the public, bringing health awareness to the underserving communities/people and together with them advocate for better health services. I also strive to contribute to improving issues of equity and that everyone has access to good quality health care services since health care is a human right. I thank KIT Scholarship and it’s donors to make this dream possible.