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Maryanne Wanjuhi Muritu

Master of Public Health
Health Information Specialist

My name is Maryanne Wanjuhi Muritu, I am a Health Information Specialist from Kenya. Currently, I am a Senior Lecturer, Deputy Principal and a College guidance and counselling officer at The Kenya Medical Training College.

Challenges in Kenya’s Health Sector

The country is currently in the process of accelerating universal health coverage (UHC) which aims to ensure that all Kenyans access and receive essential quality health services without suffering financial hardship. This is one of the building blocks in accessing universal health care. The implementation of UHC is currently faced by challenges of unregulated, fragmented health care delivery systems, limited access to quality medical care in rural areas and inadequate specialized health personnel. Much is yet to be done to realise the right to quality health care in Kenya.

Advocating for Accessible Services

This Master’s in Public Health will help me to accelerate access to health care through knowledge in health policy formulation, collaborative partnership, regulatory reforms and working towards addressing prevention and control of emerging, remerging and neglected tropical diseases especially among the undeserved and marginalised communities.

Building Sustainable Access

My dream for Kenya is to see a multifaceted collaboration of different stakeholders to advance technology and digital interventions in making health care accessible.

In collaboration with the government and other stakeholders we shall use existing research to get working solutions for the health care of our country towards achieving the sustainable development goals.

After my return to Kenya, I will take up a leading role in management of programs that advance accessibility to heath care in marginalized and underserved areas.
Maryanne Wanjuhi Muritu