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Gina Pattisson

Partnerships & Development
Partnerships & Development Director

Gina Pattisson has worked in international development, income development, and the impact-driven business space for the last 24 years. Following a fast-track traineeship at Unilever, Gina went on to hold a range of global senior fundraising and management team positions, including at Oxfam International, Farm Africa, and St Anne’s College of Oxford University. 

Gina most recently moved into impact investment and soil restoration and has worked across the full suite of income generation for organizations, including private and institutional funding. Gina is used to operating in highly complex situations and for challenging fundraising causes, such as ensuring all programmes across the Middle East and former Soviet Union countries were fully funded, and significantly increasing the resources of an Oxford College to complete major renovations, offer academic scholarships, and build an iconic new library.