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Ways to support students through the KIT Fund

Help health professionals train to change global healthcare systems and improve the lives of millions of people

There are many ways in which you can support health professionals on their mission to improve global health.

Your commitment makes all the difference to midwives, pharmacists, nurses, doctors and other health experts working to improve accessibility and quality of healthcare for communities, regions and countries around the world.  Without scholarships, many of these health professionals are not able to take this next step of studying a Master in Public Health to further develop their knowledge, skills and impact.

You can support students to study in different ways, outlined below. Or donate directly.

Donate to the KIT Fund

Donate to help students from low-income countries study Public and International Health. Your support for one student can mean better health for thousands!

For future leaders in health

Thanks to your gift, large or small, we can train health professionals (doctors, nurses and others) from low(er) income countries to become future leaders in health. KIT alumnae often occupy higher positions and can contribute more to health policy at regional and national levels. Your support for one student means better health for many thousands of people.

Your gift for improved global health

Every small or large gift is important for our students. With your gift they can study for a Master’s in Public Health at KIT. If you would like to make a larger gift, please contact Anne Kolstee for more information: 020 – 568 8272 or Anne can share giving options and more about the impact of your gift to the KIT Fund.

Your donation is important

Students from low-income countries almost always rely on scholarships to study at KIT. In recent years, a number of scholarship programmes have completely stopped, and the amount of funding from existing grant programmes has been reduced.

To give more students from low(er) income countries the opportunity to participate in KIT Master of Science, other sources of funding are needed. For this reason, we established the KIT Fund, a separate entity dedicated to supporting talented health professionals to study.

Our mission is to offer a growing number of talented health professionals full or partial scholarships. We tailor this opportunity especially to people who have least access to the economic means, yet proven commitment and dedication to improving global health.

Costs of studying a Master’s at KIT Institute

Donate now

To study a Master in Public Health and Health Equity at KIT, a student has the following costs:

  • Tuition: € 20.600
  • Monthly living allowance € 590 per month: € 7.080
  • Rental accommodation € 780 (estimate): € 9.360
  • Travel costs including visa/residence permit & insurance (estimate): € 1.760
  • KIT administration: € 3.880

Total cost for a full scholarship: € 42.680

Total cost for a partial scholarship (tuition only): € 22.660

Our mission is to train as many future leaders and experts in health care as we can. The financial support given to one student goes on to benefit many thousands of people.


Regular Gift

For Dutch residents only

If you would like to donate annually to the KIT Fund, you can consider a periodic donation. With a periodic agreement for at least five years, you will benefit from the maximum tax relief. In this way you can donate more money for less.

Your support for five years

With a regular gift the KIT Fund is assured of your support for at least five years. This gives us financial security and continuity for giving scholarships to talented professionals from low income countries.

Your tax benefit

You can calculate your tax benefit for a regular gift via the ANBI website (in Dutch).

You can also deduct your donation without an agreement if your gift is between 1% and 10% of your annual income.

Form for regular donations

Do you want to support scholarships with a regular donation? You can download the Dutch Tax Authority form and send your completed form to:

Please note that only donations made after signing the document can be part of the agreement.

A gift in your will

Your legacy for the future health of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Would you like to contribute to better health for people from low(er) income countries, also in the future? You can, with a gift in your will to the KIT Fund.

Improve global health with a gift in your will

Of course you will first want to take care of your loved ones. You might wish to consider giving something to the KIT Scholarship Fund as well. With just 1% of your legacy we can train more health professionals from low income countries providing a lasting impact into the future.

No inheritance tax

The KIT Fund is an ANBI and does not pay any inheritance tax. Your legacy will be fully used to train future leaders in international health and contribute to a better health in low income countries.

Information for your sollicitor

To make a will in The Netherlands it is necessary to go to a notary. Your notary needs the following information:

Stichting KIT Fonds,
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam.

Subscription at Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam, number: 58344837

Beneficiary or legacy

As a resident of The Netherlands, you can name the KIT Fund in your will as beneficiary (‘erfstelling’), or leave a bequest or legacy (‘legaat’). This can be a percentage of your assets, an amount of money, even a good (e.g. a house or painting). Your solicitor can advise you about the best options.

If you live in another country, please ask a solicitor about the rules and possibilities regarding legacies. Would you first want to talk to us about your options? Please contact Anne Kolstee: +31 (0)20 – 568 8272. You can also send an e-mail to

Please keep in touch

Do you have a gift for the KIT Fund in your will? If you let us know, we will keep you informed about the work you want to contribute to, in a way that fits you. Of course you are free to change your will in the future, without any explanation to us.

Do you have a gift for the KIT Fund in your will? If you let us know, we will keep you informed about the work you wish to contribute to.

Contact us

Named Scholarship

You may wish to name a scholarship, in the name of your family, company or even someone you wish to celebrate or remember.

Your support to one student means better health for thousands

By giving a scholarship to a health professional from a low income country, you contribute to capacity building in that country. KIT alumnae often occupy higher positions after their studies and can therefore contribute to health policy at regional and national levels.

How can you support by named scholarship

A full scholarship costs € 42.680. This includes tuition fees, visas, accommodation and travel costs.

More information about named giving

Do you want to know more about a named scholarship? Please contact Lonneke van der Waa, 020 – 568 8562 or

Send an e-mail to Lonneke

Others ways to support

Donate now

Are you celebrating a birthday, promotion, farewell, marriage or birth? And would you rather not ask for gifts because you already have everything? You could consider collecting donations for scholarships. Your guests can also donate directly to the KIT Fund.

ANBI (for Dutch residents only)

The KIT Fund is approved by the Dutch tax as a ‘recognized charitable institution’ (ANBI). This means that you can deduct your gift from your taxable income. Also, KIT Fund does not pay any taxes over your gift. In this way, 100% of your gift will be for the KIT Scholarship Fund.

Do you want to know more? Please check the website of the Dutch Tax Authority (in Dutch).

If you live outside the Netherlands, please check your possibilities regarding donating and tax regulations.

Contact us

Questions about the KIT Fund? We are happy to hear from you.


The Dutch Fundraising Regulator (CBF) is an independent foundation which has been monitoring fundraising by charities since 1925. The CBF’s task is to promote trustworthy fundraising and expenditure by reviewing fundraising organizations and giving information and advice to government institutions and the public.

KIT Fund is recognized as a charity by the CBF (CBF-Erkend Goed Doel).

Review our CBF report

Donate to the KIT Fund

Donate to help students from low-income countries study Public and International Health. Your support for one student can mean better health for thousands!