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Impact Areas

Learn more about our areas of work and topics of our expertise.

  • Gender Equality

    At KIT Institute, our gender specialists help you make sense of gender for your organisation and development programmes. Together, we maximise the impact of your gender interventions and bring positive and equitable change to people’s everyday lives.

  • Global Health

    KIT Institute envisions a world where everyone can realise their full health potential. Health around the world is improving, but large groups of people are being left behind. We focus on empowering people and strengthening health systems, with a particular focus on developing countries.

  • Sustainable Economic Development

    As a knowledge institute, KIT l Institute compiles, analyses and develops new knowledge on sustainable economic development.

Contact us

Do you have a question or want to know more? Contact us by sending an e-mail.

Gender Equality Topics
Global Health Topics

Sustainable Economic Development Topics


KIT MAG: an annual magazine packed with stories about our activities, at our campus in Amsterdam and with partners worldwide.

Browse the magazine online or take a copy with you when you visit KIT (at the reception).

Knowledge Newsletter

Do you want to be up to date about our work? Then, join the long list of change-makers who have signed up for our newsletter.

Donate to the KIT Fund

Donate to help students from low- and middle-income countries study Public and International Health. Your support for one student can mean better health for thousands!