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Gender Equality

At KIT Institute, our gender specialists help you make sense of gender for your organisation and development programmes. Together, we maximise the impact of your gender interventions and bring positive and equitable change to people’s everyday lives.

Our approach is practical and grounded in knowledge

KIT’s team of gender specialists work on individual programmes to enhance women’s empowerment and rights. The team also helps design ways to include equal rights and opportunities for men and women in longer-term agriculture, finance and health initiatives and organisations. Drawing on 25 years of diverse experience in gender work in international development, we bring solid gender expertise to development problems. Our team includes specialists in gender equality, women’s rights and empowerment, agriculture and natural resource management, financial inclusion and health. In addition to our gender expertise, we bring rich experience in organisational change management, capacity development and learning, knowledge management and applied research.

We leave no one behind

Achieving gender equality and realising women and girls’ empowerment and rights are critical elements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 5 is central to our work, and gender also features strongly as a theme cutting across all other SDGs. Our work is strongly inspired by and seeks to contribute to the Leaving No One Behind agenda. This agenda calls for deeper understanding and more efforts to contribute to meaningful change for groups that are currently invisible or excluded. This requires an intentional focus on women and girls, and on the marginalized and excluded groups among them.

To this end, we offer a range of services to support organisations in making sense of gender across programmes, projects and institutionally. Key to our approach is to think and act together with you to create a space that stimulates critical reflection and applied learning. Our work is tailor-made to your organisation and sector.

Advancing Gender Equality, Women's Empowerment and Feminist Principles

Our Services

  • At KIT, we facilitate and engage in gender analysis and critical reflection on gender-specific themes. These include empowerment, leadership, gender transformative change, and women and girls’ rights. We also focus on gender integration in a variety of sectors.
  • Our team supports the development of gender policies and strategies, grounded in organisational gender assessments or gender audits.
  • We advise and support technical specialists and management in figuring out what gender equality and empowerment mean for their work and in all aspects of the organisation.
  • Our specialists engage in and facilitate organisational and individual capacity building, training and coaching, mostly in medium- to long-term trajectories. Our gender training and coaching uses an adult-learning approach and is tailored to the specific sectors/fields of the partner.
  • We also conduct and facilitate applied and action research grounded in sound gender analysis, and as such, with our partners, generate and strengthen gender knowledge.
  • Finally, we develop, test and use sound measures of gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment. Preferably, this takes place by combining quantitative techniques and participatory approaches.

Gender Equality Topics

  • Gender and Agriculture

    KIT Institute combines expertise in gender and agriculture to address gender-based inequalities in the agricultural sector. We look specifically at the men and women ‘left behind’ in agricultural development research, policy and practice. Capacity building is integral to our approach to gender equality.

  • Gender Equality and Social Justice

    KIT Institute is dedicated to the realisation of gender equality and social justice. We operate at the intersection of theory, policy, and practice to put gender equality firmly at the forefront of global economic and social development goals.

Feminist Edge

Feminist Edge is a Professional Development Programme for Gender Trainers. It focusses on the practice and theory of gender training. Interested?


Gender Equality projects

  • Fenomenal Funds Learning Partner

    • Institute
    • Project

    Fenomenal Funds (2019-2025) is a five-year feminist funder collaborative that aims to decolonize philanthropic spaces and shift power through pooled, flexible core funding for women’s funds globally. Fenomenal Funds have been working with close to 50 women’s funds from the Prospera International Network of Women’s Funds (INWF), using a shared governance model and participatory grant-making.   […]

  • Young people’s perspectives on school-based sexuality education

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Institute is conducting a study, commissioned by UNESCO, on young people’s perspectives on school-based education for health and well-being, including sexuality education. Sexuality education has major positive health and social outcomes for adolescents and young people. Yet, research that focuses on their experiences with such education remains limited. KIT Institute is partnering with young […]

  • Inclusive Conservation and Livelihoods in Tropical Forests: Exploring Gender Transformative Approaches

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Institute and Farm Africa are conducting a participatory action research study on forest conservation, livelihoods, and gender in the Bale Ecoregion in Ethiopia. The study will guide and support women in communities around the Harenna forest in the pursuit of alternative income-generating activities that empower them, improve their wellbeing, and that contribute to forest […]

  • Break Free ! Les jeunes défendent leur santé et leurs droits sexuels et reproductifs

    • Institute
    • Project

    La santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR) sont essentiels au développement sain des jeunes, mais beaucoup d’entre eux doivent trouver leur chemin avec des informations inexactes, un accès limité aux services de santé et des normes sexospécifiques néfastes qui empêchent les filles d’avoir leur mot à dire dans les décisions qui les concernent. […]

  • Break Free! – Young people advocate for their sexual and reproductive health and rights

    • Institute
    • Project

    Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are critical to the healthy development of young people, but many young people must find their way with inaccurate information, poor access to health services, and harmful gender norms that prevent girls from having a say in decisions that affect them. In many African countries, young girls face […]

  • YW4A: Young Women for Awareness, Agency, Advocacy, and Accountability

    • Institute
    • Project

    Achieving gender equality and realising womens’ and girl’s empowerment and rights are critical elements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, progress varies as young women still find their voices silenced in patriarchal families, communities and political spaces, and are subject to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).  This calls for deeper understanding and intensified efforts to contribute […]

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