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Gender & Agriculture

KIT Institute combines expertise in gender and agriculture to address gender-based inequalities in the agricultural sector. We look specifically at the men and women ‘left behind’ in agricultural development research, policy and practice. Capacity building is integral to our approach to gender equality.

We bring a gender lens to agriculture

We assist agricultural research institutes, international and non-governmental organizations, and governments to integrate gender equity into their agricultural programmes and facilitate transformative change.

Our international team of advisors specialises in applying a gender lens to agriculture – a unique blend of gender expertise that is specific to the agricultural sector and related fields, including aquaculture, livestock, natural resource management, climate change, and nutrition-sensitive agriculture.

Our primary aim is to explore and articulate gender equality as a goal within agricultural initiatives (e.g. agricultural research and practice) and to support organisations and institutes in the agricultural sector by developing and strengthening gender equity (as a process leading towards equality) in their agricultural development programmes and projects.

Reaching gender objectives

We support our partners in reaching gender objectives in agricultural and natural resource management sectors, supporting and challenging their Theories of Change and enriching their understanding of the dynamic relationship between gender and agriculture. Our approach is tailored, agile, and encourages our partners to critically reflect upon the state of gender equality in their work, including methods to improve and advance gender equality in their policies and agricultural development strategies.


Specifically, we support gender in agricultural programmes and projects through:

  • Coordination of an international network of gender researchers in the domains of aquaculture, agriculture and natural resource management
  • Action research and applied research in collaboration with partners
  • Coaching, mentoring & capacity development
  • Management support
  • Gender training, audits, coaching and research support
  • Evaluations, monitoring evaluation and learning systems & reviews


CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research

For example, KIT coordinates the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, which aims to increase the visibility and impact of gender research undertaken across CGIAR. The Platform supports priority setting for gender research, strategic partnerships, capacity development, and collaboration between and among CGIAR programs, centers, and partners, building on the work of system-wide gender network established in 2011. CGIAR is a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for a food-secured future.

Contact us

Do you have a question or want to know more? Contact us by sending an e-mail.

In collaboration with ICARDA, I am conducting research on gendered opportunities and challenges for innovation in the forage value chain in Afghanistan. The research investigates how gender norms, roles and relations shape women farmers’ agency and autonomy as innovators. Findings from the research will be used to identify ways of narrowing the persistent “gender gap” in Afghanistan’s agriculture. This is an example of how KIT’s gender/agriculture work contributes to SDG 5 and 2.
Yngve Braaten Former Advisor at KIT on Gender and Agriculture

Our services

  • Applied research

    KIT Royal Tropical Institute addresses development challenges at local, regional and global levels through research that generates new insights and knowledge in our areas of expertise: health, sustainable economic development and gender.

  • Knowledge management

    Development and research organisations are often so focused on achieving their objectives that they find it difficult to create time to look back, analyse and learn from what they experienced and share their results.

  • Training, Coaching & Education

    KIT Royal Tropical Institute provides tailor-made training to clients such as educational and research institutes, NGOs and local or national governments and ministries across the globe. Our programmes are specifically designed to address the unique objectives and capacities of the requesting organisation.

  • International knowledge networks and platforms

    In an increasingly globalised and complex world, international learning, communication and collaboration around global development challenges are major avenues for realising impact. Rapid developments in Information & Communication Technology are opening new opportunities for international networking and learning.

  • Monitoring, Evaluation & Impact Assessment

Advancing Gender Equality, Women's Empowerment and Feminist Principles

Featured Projects

  • Accelerating Agriculture and Agribusiness in South Sudan

    • Institute
    • Project

    A3-Seed The seed sector in South Sudan is currently dominated by seed aid. The A3-Seed project seeks to reduce the country’s dependancy on foreign-sourced seeds, and humanitarian support, with the aim to transform the seed sector into a commercially viable one.  “The yield was not good” As part of the project, we recently held an […]

  • Inclusive Conservation and Livelihoods in Tropical Forests: Exploring Gender Transformative Approaches

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Institute and Farm Africa are conducting a participatory action research study on forest conservation, livelihoods, and gender in the Bale Ecoregion in Ethiopia. The study will guide and support women in communities around the Harenna forest in the pursuit of alternative income-generating activities that empower them, improve their wellbeing, and that contribute to forest […]

  • Applying a Gender Lens to Cocoa Cooperatives in Côte d’Ivoire

    • Institute
    • Project

    Women living in cocoa growing communities in Côte d’Ivoire are disproportionately excluded from participating in cooperatives or benefiting from them. To address this gender inequality, a gender lens was applied to Rabo Partnership and Barry Callebaut’s ‘Empowering the Middle Program’. Specific entry points and activities were designed to promote women’s inclusion and elevate their status […]

  • Gender in Coffee and Cocoa Initiative

    • Institute
    • Project

    In 2016, FAO, KIT Royal Tropical Institute and Twin established a partnership to build on their complementary knowledge, expertise and comparative advantage in coffee and cocoa value chains to establish the coffee and cocoa initiative. Coffee and cocoa value chains This initiative aims to foster coffee and cocoa value chains where women and men can […]

  • The “Gender Model Family” Approach, Women’s Empowerment & Nutrition

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT is conducting applied research with Welthungerhilfe to generate evidence on how the Gender Model Family (GMF) approach works in practice as a form of gender transformative programming in Sierra Leone. The research aims to understand how GMF contributes to women’s empowerment, better nutrition and agrobiodiversity outcomes. Family-led progress on nutrition & harmful gender norms […]

  • Gender Integration in CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Royal Tropical Institute worked with the CGIAR Research Programs on Livestock and Fish to integrate gender into international livestock and fish research. This program was one of 14 in phase 1 of CGIAR research programs and part of the world’s largest global agricultural innovation network (CGIAR). KIT’s role grew over the two-and-a-half year engagement, […]

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