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FORCE Mali: Workshop on Gender and Inclusivity

From July 14-17, 2020, a workshop on gender and social inclusion was held in Mali as part of the capacity building of teachers and managers from the FORCE* project partner schools.

l’atelier de formation en genre et inclusion sociale

The participants came from the association of private health schools and the five public health education establishments of the FORCE partnership: INFSS in Sikasso and Mopti, N’Gouinso Health School (EFIAS) in Sikasso, (ESM-AGK) Amadou Garba Koita Health School in Mopti, and ESK (Hope Health School in Koutiala).

Lalla Fatouma a workshop facilitator and member of the Department of Education and Public Health Research at the University of Mali said of the workshop:

“This training was very important for the project because it allowed the participants to improve their knowledge of gender and social inclusion and most importantly to see how to integrate them into the curriculum. This is the starting point for the process of reviewing and harmonising the curricula of public and private schools. The newly acquired knowledge and skills will be used to improve quality in the delivery of lessons and to enrich the courses on gender and social inclusion with aspects related to gender inequalities and health, a first for many teachers.”

The workshop was well received, participants discussed the key concepts of gender, inequalities and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and analysed the relationship between gender and inequalities in youth SRHR. Each facility developed a plan for youth SRHR, lessons on gender equality and social inclusion, and presented concrete proposals on how the subject of gender and social inclusion could be included in the curricula of health technicians and senior health technicians.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the workshop was a combination of face-to-face and online facilitation from KIT’s experts. This was all made possible thanks to the commitment and patience of both the participants and facilitators and opens up new opportunities for future collaboration and learning.

Lalla Fatouma and Lisa Juanola

*FORCE is a project funded by Nuffic. Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: a Collaboration of Public and Private Education for the integration of adolescent and youth reproductive health into the basic curriculum of health technicians and senior health technicians. This project started on July 1, 2019 and will end on December 31, 2021.

FORCE is a partnership of the National Institute for Training in Health Sciences (INFSS) through the two branches of Mopti and Sikasso; the Association of Private Health Schools (AESP); three private health schools: one in Mopti: ‘Amadou Garba Koita’ School of Health in Mopti (ESM-AGK); and in Koutiala: Hope Health School in Koutiala (ESK) and in Sikasso: Training School for Nurses and Health Auxiliaries N’GOUINSO (EFIAS); KIT Royal Tropical Institute; CINOP and the Department of Education and Public Health Research of the University of Mali (DERSP).

Impressions of the Workshop (French)

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