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Gender and Climate Change in Cocoa and Coffee

Webinar Series: Gender in Cocoa and Coffee

The ‘Gender in Coffee and Cocoa Initiative’ aims to foster coffee and cocoa value chains where women and men can equally benefit from their engagement, while at the same time transforming gender relations in households, communities, institutions and markets. A series of webinars is exploring the overlapping ambitions of actors involved in women’s empowerment in the coffee and cocoa sector.

Webinar Two

How can we promote gender equality through climate smart agriculture in the coffee and cocoa sector?

In this webinar we talked about the relationship between gender and climate change adaptation as well as the urgency and importance of addressing these issues.

Speakers: Martha Osorio (FAO), Ewen Le Borgne, moderator (KIT), Rebecca Morahan (independent), Cathy Farnworth (independent), Fortunate Paska (Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung), Anna Laven (KIT)

Date: 28th January 2019

Watch and listen to the Gender and Climate Change in Cocoa and Coffee webinar below:

Digital Digest

In the Digital Digest about Gender and Climate Change in Cocoa and Coffee you will find the following content:

Gender in Cocoa and Coffee Webinars

Related Project

  • Gender in Coffee and Cocoa Initiative

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    In 2016, FAO, KIT Royal Tropical Institute and Twin established a partnership to build on their complementary knowledge, expertise and comparative advantage in coffee and cocoa value chains to establish the coffee and cocoa initiative. Coffee and cocoa value chains This initiative aims to foster coffee and cocoa value chains where women and men can […]

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