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KIT launches ‘Women Leaders in Global Health Development Initiative’

KIT launches the ‘Women Leaders in Global Health Development Initiative’ in response to current global health challenges. The strong call to fulfill the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly with regards to maternal mortality and female education, the reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy by President Trump, call for strong women leaders in global health. However in global health only few women leaders stand out, a situation not uncommon in other sectors as well.

KIT, as a knowledge institute in global health, takes a gender equality approach in all its global development work, and this commitment informs all aspects of the educational programs at KIT. Equity is a key in KIT’s practice. In line with this commitment, KIT has launched the ‘Women Leaders in Global Health Development Initiative’ as part of its various educational offerings. The initiative seeks to actively promote women as future leaders and change makers in the global health development arena.

The Women Leaders in Global health Development Initiative (WLGHD) acts at multiple levels contributing to ensure that those who are part of the initiative are able to achieve their full potential. As part of this initiative we actively mobilize our networks and contacts to identify, from among the large numbers of women working in global health, those with the potential to be future leaders and change makers. Through a concerted strategy this initiative facilitates access to opportunities for professional and personal development, supports networking and mentoring opportunities, creates platforms and opportunities for profiling and recognition, and collaborates with like-minded institutions and individuals to promote the next generation of women leaders in global health development.

As part of the initiative, KIT actively encourages women applicants to apply to study at KIT; it commits to awarding half of all admissions in its various courses to women, to awarding more than half of all scholarships to women, and to supporting women applicants to find scholarship and other funding options. As part of the Women Leaders in Global health Development Initiative, KIT will award more than half of all scholarships from its KIT Scholarships Fund to women.  Among others, the WLGHD fellows will be facilitated to enhance their personal effectiveness, to develop their leadership competencies  and to leverage social networks for global health.

By investing in the Women Leadership in Global Health Development initiative together with KIT, we will build towards a sustainable future for all.