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KIT Masters Programmes Successfully Accredited by NVAO

We are proud to announce that KIT’s Masters programmes have been succesfully re-accredited by the Netherlands Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO).
KIT offers two Master programmes in cooperation with VU Vrije Universiteit. In May 2016 the Master in Public Health (MPH) and Master in International Health (MIH) were visited by an independent audit panel. The final outcome of this assessment judges the quality of both study programmes to be ‘good’ in two out of the four criteria, and ‘satisfactory’ in the other two.


The report stated that “the Master programmes offers its students a high quality teaching-learning environment”.  Furthermore it also says that: “The didactic concept, with emphasis on interactive peer-to-peer teaching methods, not only helps students acquire the necessary knowledge,  but also stimulates them to bring about profound personal changes, helping them to grow to become critical, self-reflective individuals  with well- developed communicative  skills.”

We are happy that an external panel judges our education programmes so high and values our interactive learning approach.

The Netherlands Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO) is independent accreditation organisation which was established by the Dutch and  Flemish (Belgium) governments to provide an expert and objective assessment of the quality of higher education in the Netherlands and Flanders.

For the full accreditation report visit the NVAO website:

NVAO Report Master of Public Health

NVAO Report Master of International Health