KIT Royal Tropical institute signs MoU with Juzoor
Last week, our colleague Jamilah Sherally signed on behalf of KIT a Memorandum of Understanding with Juzoor, a NGO working in the field of health and social development in the Palestine Territories. This MoU fits KIT’s wish and policy to establish more equitable partnerships.
Since 2021, KIT has been working with Inuka Coaching, the digital mental health social enterprise and Juzoor to make mental health support more accessible and affordable in Palestine. The project (SBIR-2) is currently in its second phase. We are now conducting implementation research though a pilot in which we are building an evidence base for more decentralised, lay health worker interventions in humanitarian settings.
The visit has been strategically planned to coincide with the start of recruitment and data collection for the project. Besides meetings with the Juzoor team Jamilah and Anne Braakman from Inuka Coaching planned meetings with the Netherlands Representative Office, War Child, World Vision, the WHO, Save the Children, Enabel (Belgium development agency), the Canadian Embassy and UNFPA to explore potential collaborations and opportunities for funding for the next phase of this project in which we hope to scale-up to a Randomised Controlled Trial.
All in all this was a fruitful trip, during which we strengthened our relationship with Juzoor while enjoying plenty of fresh humus.