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The Great Foreign Policy Debate

The Coronavirus pandemic has shown that global health has a major impact on the rest of the world. In the run-up to the elections, various politicians will discuss the future role of the Netherlands in the world during the Great Foreign Policy Debate (24 February, 5:30 pm).

Led by Sophie Derkzen (Bureau Buitenland, VPRO) and under the pressure of a chess clock, they will debate on three current topics, including global health. The debate will be broadcast live from Nieuwspoort and can be viewed via

The Dutch Global Health Alliance

The debate is made possible in part by the Dutch Global Health Alliance, consisting of Aidsfonds, Amref Flying Doctors, Cordaid, KIT Royal Tropical Institute, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation and Wemos. Together we are dedicated to raising awareness about the need for more concerted global health action and to working towards concrete policy options for the Dutch government that will contribute to stronger health systems worldwide.