Webinar: Market Transformation in Commodity Sectors
The upcoming mid-term evaluation on sector transformation, conducted by KIT Institute and IDS and commissioned by IDH, highlights the critical need for systemic, long-term approaches to create fairer and more sustainable commodity sectors. Addressing the root causes of inequity and inefficiency is essential for lasting impact.
To delve deeper into this, join us in the upcoming webinar ‘Market transformation in commodity sectors: how do private sector development organisations catalyse change?‘, where we will discuss insights from the evaluation, share experiences of working systemically toward inclusive and sustainable commodity sectors and explore ways forward for private sector development organisations.
Date: Monday, 9 December 2024
Time: 8 am (NY/DC), 1 pm (UK), 2 pm (CET), 4 pm (EAT/Kenya), 7 pm (Bangladesh)
Speakers include:
- Renske Aarnoudse (IDH)
- Lindi Hlanze (Gatsby Africa)
- Md. Rubaiyath Sarwar (Innovision Consulting)
- Jodie Thorpe (IDS)
Chair: Dave Boselie (IDH)
This webinar is organised by KIT Institute and IDS and hosted by BEAMExchange