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Access to Seed Index

KIT provides seed sector and seed systems knowledge to the Access to Seeds Index, which evaluates and compares seed companies according to their efforts to improve access to quality seeds of improved varieties for smallholder farmers.

The Index seeks primarily to identify leadership and good practices, providing an evidence base for the discussion on where and how the seed industry can step up its efforts.

Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Private sector engagement is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015. By creating a better understanding of the seed industry’s performance, the Index aims to contribute to the achievement of these goals.

Hunger is a daily reality for almost one billion people around the world. The global population is expected to grow by a further two billion in the coming decades, precisely in those regions that are currently considered food insecure. Improving access to quality seeds for farmers in those regions is key to meeting future food demands. This is where the seed industry can play a crucial role.

Based on how important stakeholders – farmers, governments, scientists, NGOs and the industry itself – view the role and responsibility of the seed industry, a methodology was developed with clearly defined criteria. After publication of each Index the methodology is reviewed and updated. Using this iterative approach, the Index aims to monitor progress over time. The 2021 Access to Seeds Index will be published as a ‘spotlight index’ by the World Benchmarking Alliance, an independent, non-profit organization based in The Netherlands and the UK.

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