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Action learning in the State of African Women campaign

The main objective of the State of African Women (SoAW) campaign is to contribute to securing, realizing and extending women’s rights enshrined in African Union (AU) policies. The campaign seeks to influence change in both legal and social norms for women and girls’ rights in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), at the continental, regional, national and sub-national levels, through a stronger voice and the meaningful participation of civil society in decision-making.

Tracking the learning trajectory

The SoAW campaign is led by a diverse consortium of partners. This unique coalition brought together youth-serving organizations, faith organizations, feminist groups and SRHR activists joined to shape the SoAW campaign at the global, regional, national and local level. Between 2018 and 2020 KIT facilitated the action learning trajectory with the SoAW partners.

The aims of the trajectory were threefold:

1. To build the capacities of consortium partners, CSOs and champions to critically interrogate their advocacy actions, and reflect on achievements and challenges

2. To recalibrate advocacy activities

3. And, to document experiences and lessons learned from the advocacy initiatives.

The action learning trajectory invited and supported the participating partners and their champions to shift from activity mode to documenting their work. It also sought to shift their attention from donor reporting, to reflection and learning.

The six case studies and two synthesis briefs (see publications below) are the outcomes of the ‘action learning trajectory’. They were prepared by the partners of the coalition: IPPF Africa Region, YWCA Kenya, Faith to Action Network and OAFLAD, and each one reflects on a specific piece of advocacy work carried out under the campaign.

The case studies form the basis of two synthesis briefs: one on ‘Progressing on the unfinished business’, and another on ‘Coalition-building and multilevel connections’. Both briefs aim to draw out strategies and joint learning across the diverse advocacy processes that are displayed in the case studies.

These reports follow in the footsteps of the State of African Women Report led by a research team at KIT and published in 2018.


Other resources

Read the Introduction to the State of African Women report factsheet.

Rights vs. Reality: Gender-based violence against women factsheet.

Rights vs. Reality: HIV factsheet.

Rights vs. Reality: Harmful Practices factsheet.

Rights vs. Reality: Sexual & Reproductive Health factsheet

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  • Applied research

    KIT Royal Tropical Institute addresses development challenges at local, regional and global levels through research that generates new insights and knowledge in our areas of expertise: health, sustainable economic development and gender.