Building Life Skills for Adolescent Girls with Plan UK
At the request of Plan UK, KIT Royal Tropical Institute undertook this baseline study to identify the factors affecting access to and completion of lower secondary education by girls in Cambodia, El Salvador, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe.
The project led to a system for improved use of data, production of a global report, help for country offices in writing country reports and capacity building within Plan.
Gender Age and Social Position
KIT designed the base line study around two key questions arising from the methodological framework:
- What factors affect lower secondary school attendance and completion among adolescent girls?
- What effect do institutions and social structures have on the social position and condition of adolescent girls and how does this relate to access to and completion of lower secondary education?
KIT used its own methodology for the study: the Gender Equality and Child Rights Framework (GECRF), which is based on the principle that social status is a major factor in an individuals access to rights and rights recognition. Age and gender are seen as key factors in determining social status, and therefore shape girls’ daily experience and access to rights.
The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data was collected through household surveys, social and institutional mapping, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Plan’s internal data was also used.
Results of the study
Following research and capacity building within Plan, KIT produced a Global Report and assisted country offices in writing country reports. The global log frame – used for ongoing assessment of projects – was improved using data from the baseline study.