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Extending Safe Abortion Advocacy with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Panama, Peru, Uganda and Zambia

Since April 2019, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) has worked with ten of its member associations – that is, national societies of obstetrics and gynaecology – to become key actors in safe abortion advocacy and national leaders in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for women. The project envisioned reaching its objective through five pathways of change in each country. Based on these pathways, national societies developed their own country‐ and society‐specific action plans based on local contexts and priorities.


This project has five primary objectives:

  1. Strengthen the management and organisational capacity of the obgyn societies.
  2. Establish or strengthen a coordinated network with likeminded stakeholders and health system partners to advocate for safe abortion and improved access to comprehensive abortion care.
  3. Create increased acceptance of safe abortion among health workers, policy makers and the general population.
  4. Ensure communication and sensitisation about the national legal frameworks and guidelines on safe abortion.
  5. Advocate for better generation and use of evidence on abortion in each of the ten countries.

Outcome harvesting

After supporting the needs assessment and design of the project, between 2019 and 2022 KIT was involved as a monitoring, evaluation and learning partner. For the monitoring component, KIT trained and guided obgyn societies on a method called ‘outcome harvesting’. Rather than measuring progress in the implementation of activities, this method focuses on collecting information about what has changed in terms of behaviour, relationships, actions and policies – positively or negatively, intended or unintended, direct or indirect – and how the project’s actions contributed to this change and to the desired outcomes. A strong focus on learning ensured regular reflection and sense-making on what advocacy strategies did or did not initiate change within political, economic, and social systems and institutions, what can we learn from that and what this means for programming.

In addition a baseline membership survey and mixed-method final evaluation were conducted, the latter including an endline survey, capacity strengthening survey, harvested outcomes and qualitative substantiation and stakeholder interviews.


KIT conducted a baseline membership survey, supported the mid-term review with a strong focus on the harvested outcomes and sense-making, and conducted, in collaboration with local researchers, a mixed-method final evaluation, including an endline survey, capacity strengthening survey, harvested outcomes and qualitative substantiation and stakeholder interviews.

3 country-level summaries


Synthesis of key Findings across ten countries of the FIGO project on Advocating for Safe Abortion

Country Reports

  • Plaidoyer Pour L’Avortement Securisé – Côte d’Ivoire

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Projet de la Société de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique de Côte d’Ivoire Ce rapport résume l’approche méthodologique de l’évaluation, analyse la pertinence et l’efficacité du projet, présente les principaux résultats par rapport à chacune des cinq stratégies (axes) du projet et la contribution du projet, et analyse l’efficacité de la composition de l’équipe du […]

  • Advocacy Para El Aborto Seguro En Panama

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Sociedad Panameña de Obstetricia y Ginecología (SPOG) El informe resume el enfoque metodológico de la evaluación, analiza la relevancia y efectividad del proyecto, presentando los principales resultados en relación con cada una de sus cinco estrategias y la contribución del proyecto al logro de estas, y analiza también la eficiencia de la composición […]

  • Advocacy for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion -Zambia

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Project of the Zambia Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (ZAGO) and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) This end evaluation covers the period from the start of the project (in April 2019) until the end in March 2022, which marked the end of three years of project implementation. It focuses on […]

  • Project on Prevention of Maternal Mortality Arising from Unsafe Abortion and Enhancing Access to Post-Abortion Care Through Advocacy – Kenya

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Project of the Kenya Obstetrical Gynaecological Society (KOGS) and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) This end evaluation covers the period from the start of the project (April 2019) until end of March 2022, which marked the end of three years of project implementation. The evaluation primarily focused on measuring the […]

  • Advocating for safe Abortion – Mozambique

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Mozambican Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (AMOG) This end evaluation covers the full project period from the start (April 2019) until the end (March 2022). The evaluation focused on measuring the effects of the project for primary stakeholders (AMOG, implementing parties) and secondary stakeholders (actors the society aimed to influence). The effects of […]

  • Advocacy for the Prevention of Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Due to Unsafe Abortion – Uganda

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Project from the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Uganda and the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics This evaluation includes an assessment of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project. From its start, attention was given to strengthening AOGU with the intention that societies would continue to flourish after the […]

  • Advocacy for Comprehensive Abortion Care – Cameroon

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Project of the Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians of Cameroon and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics This end evaluation covers the period from the start of the project in April 2019 until the end of March 2022. The evaluation focused on measuring the effects of the project for primary stakeholders (SOGOC […]

  • Plaidoyer Pour L’Avortement Securisé – Benin

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Projet par le Collège National des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens du Bénin (CNGOB) et la Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et Obstétrique Ce rapport résume l’approche méthodologique de l’évaluation, analyse la pertinence et l’efficacité du projet, présente les principaux résultats par rapport à chacune des cinq stratégies du projet et la contribution du projet, et […]

  • Plaidoyer Pour L’Avortement Securisé (Dans Les Limites De La Loi) – Mali

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Société Malienne de Gynécologie Obstétrique (SOMAGO) L’évaluation a accordé une attention particulière à la pertinence, à l’efficacité, à l’efficience et à la durabilité du projet. Ces dimensions ont constitué les grands domaines d’appréciation des indicateurs liés aux résultats issus du projet. Dès le début du projet, dans les pays concernés, une attention a […]

  • Advocacy Para El Aborto Terapéutico – Peru

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Country report: Proyecto de la Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología (SPOG) con la Federación Internacional de Ginecología y Obstetricia El informe resume el enfoque metodológico de la evaluación, analiza la relevancia y efectividad del proyecto presentando los principales resultados en relación con cada una de las cinco estrategias del proyecto y la contribución del […]

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