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FORCE (Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) – Mali

Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A collaboration of public and private education for the integration of adolescent and youth reproductive health into the basic curriculum of health technicians and senior health technicians.

In Mali, specifically in Mopti and Sikasso, young people and adolescents have difficulty exercising their sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR). This has direct implications, such as a high rate of adolescent fertility, early marriage, and female genital mutilation/cutting.

Young girl studying

Health care providers are key actors in addressing the sexual and reproductive health problems of young people and adolescents, but often lack up-to-date training on their SRHR needs. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen the quality of training for health providers.

The Objective

The objective of the FORCE project is to strengthen the quality of training for health technicians and senior health technicians in order to improve the provision of sexual and reproductive health and rights care for young people and adolescents.

The project aims to achieve the following long-term effects:

The Approach

With a holistic approach, the project focuses on several levels:

The Partnership

The FORCE project is a unique collaboration between private and public health schools and national and international institutions to ensure a high-quality health care environment that will contribute to an improvement in the sexual and reproductive health of young people and adolescents in Mopti and Sikasso.

Beneficiary partners in Mali:

Technical Partners

Do you want to know more?

Service Delivered

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