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Gender, Rights and Development Forum

This forum was called in order to explore the key themes of the Dutch development agenda from a gender and rights perspective. Areas in which policy leaders, academics and development organisations could collaborate were also examined.

Five key themes

Gender specialists, advocates and researchers including Josephine Ahikire (CBR Uganda), Andre Cornwall (University of Sussex) joined representatives from NGOs and universities in the Netherlands.They participated in plenary sessions involving presentations and discussions, and small group work in order to share experiences and ideas. The Forum centred on five key themes critical to Dutch foreign policy:

The forum explored current gender and development practices, their relationship to the realisation of women’s rights and the knowledge base that underpins them. From this, insights and observations were made into the ongoing gender and development work currently undertaken by Dutch development organisations.

Results from the forum

The forum strengthened the gender knowledge base and informed strategies to integrate a gender and rights perspective in the Dutch development agenda, and ended with a recommendation to establish a gender knowledge facility in the Netherlands.

Services delivered

  • Project Implementation

    KIT has more than 80 experts specialising in public health systems, epidemiology, sexual and reproductive health and rights, agricultural innovation, food value-chains, gender relations, and inclusive finance. The combination of this content expertise and process-related skills not only leads to better projects, it also builds competencies in project design, implementation and management. We build on our clients’ own resources and knowledge, mission and values and ensure that our advice is aligned with existing initiatives, has policy relevance, and is adapted to the local context. With extensive experience and practical involvement in projects and programmes worldwide, we tailor our project support to your needs, the context you are working in and the partners with whom you are working. Our approach is practical and based on action learning. This allows you to yield the highest possible impact with your investments.