KIT Knowledge Management Focal Points for the Land-at-Scale Programme
- Countries
- Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Cololombia, Egypt, Iraq, Mali, Mocambique, Palestine, Rwanda,Somalia, Uganda
- Status
- Ongoing
- Duration
- 2021 – 2025
KIT Institute is the Knowledge Management Focal Point for the partners in the 12 countries included in Land-at-Scale. As the Focal Point we also work to promote exchange between the partners across countries and regions, enhancing the learning within the programme at large.
The main purpose of the program is to scale up land tenure activities which will lead to more sustainable and efficient use of land and natural resources for food, housing and production, and reduce conflicts and competing claims over land. To achieve this, it is important to keep working towards a better understanding of how land governance may help to address a wide variety of pressing societal issues, how to make policy more effective, and how to ensure equitable and sustainable outcomes in the face of growing pressures on land worldwide. Thus, KIT Institute has been working on a comprehensive demand driven knowledge management (KM) strategy, that promotes adaptive programming by:
- Helping track results (ToC reflections, lessons learned, etc.)
- Informing national policy (policy papers, advocacy etc.)
- ·Feeding into global debates on land governance (research papers, blog posts).
Thus, the knowledge management component supports and strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth, and contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale in lower- and middle-income countries/regions/landscapes in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT).
A list of images
KIT Institute has closely worked with country partners as well as with knowledge management partners to identify the KM needs and ways to support those. As a result, country partners together with KIT have developed tailored KM strategies which include activities such as learning exchange events, research, reflection workshops for adaptive programming purposes as well as writeshops to capitalize and document on the work done by partners, both at the technical level as at programmatic level.
The reflection workshops and writeshops facilitated by KIT with country partners are two specific activities that are part of all KM strategies. These promote and allow for partners to have a dedicated and guided reflection process, encouraging a different way of thinking about their project implementation by doing a collective critical analysis of their work and reaching to key lessons learned that feedback into their project, as part of L@S’ adaptive programming approach. During the writeshops, partners are able to document those learnings, and/or other more technical knowledge in products that are shared with other partners and relevant stakeholders, including donors, government officials and other like-minded organisations wishing to learn from these experiences.
Regarding the research activities, partners have conducted multiple studies often with the support of other knowledge management partners like Landac, Wageningen University or Utrecht University. Furthermore, they have participated in a number of learning exchange events like the annual L@S learning exchange, as well as international and global conferences, where they’ve been able to share results and findings of their work and studies. KIT Institute also works together with our KM partners to identify platforms for partners to exchange knowledge, both within the program and beyond. Such is the case of Landportal, ILC and Landac learning events, and academic courses, among others.
Overall, the KM work done under the L@S program has been appreciated by country partners, as it enables them to capitalise on their work and the knowledge they are producing, learning from others and sharing their own learnings and experiences in a more analytical way going beyond project implementation or programmatic thinking.
“ The writeshop session allowed the entire implementation team to reflect from a different perspective, and never before, on aspects that dictate efficiency and, consequently, the achievement of better results. Even after the experience and knowing that we can do these actions, we understand that the presence of KIT Institute's KM is/was fundamental to better capitalise on these activities ” ”