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Strengthening Community Resilience in Eastern Africa

Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

Members of the International Secretariat of Prolinnova (an international network for promoting local innovation in ecologically oriented agriculture and natural resource management, hosted by KIT Royal Tropical Institute), are working together with its country partners in recognising and supporting farmer innovation through a process of farmer-led joint research.

Such an approach strengthens community resilience by enhancing their capacity to innovate and adapt to change.  By building on local farmer’s creativity and experiences in joint innovation, the project Combining Local Innovative Capacity with Scientific Research (CLIC-SR) with funding support from Rockefeller Foundation pursues this farmer-led approach to innovation development as a means of adaptation to climate and other change.

The project (2012-2016) is being carried out in eastern Africa, in two districts of both Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The Prolinnova secretariat staff at KIT are responsible for overall project management and coordination, for technical backstopping and coordination of international policy dialogue.

Strengthening resilience through farmer-led joint research

By strengthening the resilience to change of smallholders and their communities through farmer-led joint research or Participatory Innovation Development (PID), the project aims to enhance their livelihood security and resilience. It also engages in training and mentoring to build the capacity of local organisations in supporting farmer innovation in agriculture and natural resource management (ARD), that in turn support smallholder communities in their adaptation activities. Spaces for sharing and learning are created through which farmers and ARD stakeholders sustain the innovation process. Finally, the project aims to mainstream PID as an accepted approach in (inter)national ARD and climate-change adaptation policies and programmes.

To reach these objectives, the project has been engaging in the following activities:

Services delivered

  • Project Implementation

    KIT has more than 80 experts specialising in public health systems, epidemiology, sexual and reproductive health and rights, agricultural innovation, food value-chains, gender relations, and inclusive finance. The combination of this content expertise and process-related skills not only leads to better projects, it also builds competencies in project design, implementation and management. We build on our clients’ own resources and knowledge, mission and values and ensure that our advice is aligned with existing initiatives, has policy relevance, and is adapted to the local context. With extensive experience and practical involvement in projects and programmes worldwide, we tailor our project support to your needs, the context you are working in and the partners with whom you are working. Our approach is practical and based on action learning. This allows you to yield the highest possible impact with your investments.