Strengthening Farmer-Led Research Networks in the Sahel
- Status
- Complete
- Duration
- 2015-2019
- Funder
- McKnight
- Partners
Adaf Gallè
Voisins Mondiaux
In the Sahel, a region sensitive to environmental degradation and climate change, farmer-led research networks (FaReNe) are strengthened and supported to take the lead in joint experimentation by farmers, researchers and other actors in agricultural innovation processes. The project is an initiative of the Prolinnova network that promotes local innovation processes in agriculture and natural resource management, hosted by the Sustainable Economic Development & Gender unit of KIT Royal Tropical Institute.
KIT advisors, members of the Prolinnova International Secretariat, provide training/ mentoring in Participatory Innovation Development (PID) and the settlement of Local Innovation Support Funds (LISF), manage the project and assures the communication flow among Burkina Faso and Mali, the two participating countries, assist on the knowledge sharing and policy-related activities.
Local knowledge for innovation
The innovations look for higher productivity and increased food and nutrition security, without having a negative impact on the environment. By building on local knowledge and innovation, farmers in the project develop new and better ways of doing things using their own resources and initiative. May it be out of curiosity, or responding and adapting to changes in socio-economic and environmental conditions, brought about by demographic trends, higher-level policies, disasters, climate change and other external influences.
The three-year (2015-2017) project aims to identify and analyze local innovations and its processes, and improve and distribute outcomes through PID and LISFs. To reach this aim, farmer-led research networks will be established and strengthened to take the lead in research activities, distribution of lessons learned, and PID/LISF management. Also, the project stresses the importance of supporting disseminations of findings and policy-dialogue.
The project was launched after a year-long inception phase, identifying innovative farmers and local innovations for the joint experimentation. Like in Mali, where 17 farmer innovations on organisational management, environmental protection and natural resource management were identified. During this phase, research was also initiated on farmer-led networks.
Participatory Innovation Development and the Local Innovation Support Fund
Participatory Innovation Development is an approach to agricultural research and development that is based on farmers’ motivations and ideas about how to face a local challenge or respond to opportunities to improve livelihoods. Farmers in the project are trained on PID and made aware of the importance of establishing a partnership between farmers, development agencies and researchers, and of the inclusion of ‘soft’ socio-institutional and cultural aspects in innovations, such as gender roles.
The project also pilots the Local Innovation Support Funds (LISFs) to allocate and channel resources to farmers for farmer-led experimentation and innovation. Through direct access to funding to farmers in eastern Africa and Asian countries, the LISF approach has proven to be successful already.
Publications en Français
Le Project FaReNe et l’approche participative
Le projet FaReNe a été conçu pour développer, tester et analyser une approche de recherche et développement basée sur le leadership des producteurs à faibles ressources en tant qu’innovateurs. Cette approche se focalise sur l’expérimentation conjointe basée sur des connaissances et des innovations locales pour trouver des solutions axées sur l’intensification agroécologique.
Stimuler l’apprentissage mutuel lié aux expériences en agro-écologie
La faible productivité des cultures, consécutive à la dégradation des terres agricoles, a amené les producteurs à se regrouper pour mieux faire face à l’insécurité alimentaire. Les deux réseaux informels décrits ci-dessous sont constitués de groupements de producteurs et de productrices au niveau des régions de Ségou et de Mopti. La spécificité de ces groupements […]
Réseaux des Paysans Innovateurs et intensification agro-écologique
Les régions d’intervention du projet Strengthening Farmer-led Research Networks for agroecological intensification in Burkina Faso and Mali (FaReNe) de Ségou et de Mopti connaissent des problèmes d’insécurité alimentaire engendrés par la pauvreté des sols. C’est pour répondre à cette problématique que l’approche Développement Participatif de l’Innovation (DPI) a été utilisée pour identifier et mieux valoriser […]
L’Importance des processus d’expérimentation conjointe dans l’intensification agro-écologique
Dans la zone d’intervention du projet Strengthening Farmer-led Research Networks for agroecological intensification in Burkina Faso and Mali (FaReNe) au Burkina Faso, les processus d’amélioration des ratiques paysannes sont très variés et l’accompagnement des partenaires au développement des producteurs résente des caractéristiques différentes, adaptées au contexte. Des processus d’expérimentations conjointes de technologies agricoles et de […]
Améliorer les conditions de vie des communautés locales grâce au Développement Participatif de l’Innovation
Les régions d’intervention du projet Strengthening Farmer-led Research Networks for agroecological intensification in Burkina Faso and Mali (FaReNe) de Ségou et de Mopti connaissent des problèmes d’insécurité alimentaire engendrés par la pauvreté des sols. C’est pour répondre à cette problématique que l’approche Développement Participatif de l’Innovation (DPI) a été utilisée pour identifier et mieux valoriser […]
Vers un mécanisme de financement innovant pour la promotion de l’innovation paysanne
Le Fonds d’appui à l’Innovation Locale (FIL) piloté au Burkina Faso est inspiré des projets pilotes conduits par Prolinnova (un Programme international de partenariat qui promeut l’innovation locale et le Développement Participatif des Innovations (DPI). C’est un mécanisme alternatif de financement qui permet aux paysans innovateurs d’accéder aux ressources leur permettant de poursuivre leurs propres […]
Soutenir les innovations locales à travers un mécanisme alternatif de finance
Les paysans innovateurs ont développé des solutions locales pour pallier aux contraintes de pauvreté et de dégradation des sols. Afin de faciliter l’accès au financement des paysans à faibles ressources pour promouvoir et améliorer leur innovation locale, un processus d’assistance reposant sur le fonds d’appui à l’innovation locale (FIL) a été mis en place. Il […]
Publications in English
Networks of innovator farmers and agro-ecological intensification
The Eastern and Northern regions of Burkina Faso are characterized by a degradation of natural resources, not without inconsiderable socio-economic consequences for the populations. In an effort to cope with these difficult environmental conditions, the producers innovate a lot of strategies to restore the soil fertility and secure a sufficient production to cover their needs, […]
Improving the living conditions of local communities through Participatory Innovation Development
The intervention areas of the Farmers’ Research Network (FaReNe) project in the Ségou and Mopti regions are experiencing food insecurity problems caused by poor soil fertility. It was to tackle this problem that the Participatory Innovation Development (PID) approach has been used in order to identify and enhance the value of local knowledge in the […]
The importance of joint experimentation processes in agroecological intensification
In the area of intervention of the project Strengthening Farmer-led Research Networks for Agroecological Intensification in Burkina Faso (FaReNe), farmers’ practices improvement methods are very various and assistance of producers’ development partners shows different characteristics, adapted to the context. Processes of joint experimentations of agricultural technologies and management of environmental resources have been set up […]
Towards a mechanism of innovative financing for the promotion of farmer innovation
The Local Innovation Support Fund (LISF) led in Burkina Faso, took its example from pilot projects led by PROLINNOVA (an international program of partnership that promotes local innovation and Participatory Innovation Development – PID). It is an alternative mechanism of financing that permits innovative farmers to have access to resources allowing them to pursue their […]
Supporting local innovation by means of an alternative finance mechanism
Innovative farmers have developed local solutions aimed at overcoming the constraints of poverty and land degradation. A support process based on the Local Innovation Support Fund (LISF) was established to facilitate low-income farmers’ access to financing as well as to promote and improve their local innovation. It is an initiative from the project aimed at […]
Stimulating mutual learning through agro-ecological experiments
Low crop yields resulting from the degradation of agricultural land led producers to join forces in order to better cope with food insecurity. The two informal networks described below are made up of producers at the regional level in the Ségou and Mopti regions. The specific character of these groups lies in the fact that […]