Yes I Do: Reduce Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancies and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
- Countries
- Pakistan, Indonesia, Malawi, Zambia, Ethiopia, Mozambique & Kenya
- Partners
Plan NL
CHOICE for Youth
This project aims to reduce child marriage, teenage pregnancies and female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) related practices. Its work covers seven countries: Pakistan, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi.
The Yes I Do project is a joint collaboration with Plan Netherlands in the lead, along with CHOICE, Rutgers and Amref. It is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Within this, KIT Royal Tropical Institute is the knowledge partner for the alliance.
As part of this role KIT is using mixed methods to support the consortium with base, mid and end line reports along with operations research. Additionally, KIT is coordinating the monitoring and evaluation component of the programmes. These activities are on-going across the five years of the programme.
Research objectives
The research objectives are:
- Knowing the causes and consequences of child marriage, teenage pregnancy and FGM/C;
- Knowing the opinions of young people on child marriage, teenage pregnancy and FGM/C;
- To explore the attitudes and behaviours of community members and religious/community leaders about child marriage, teenage pregnancy and FGM/C;
- Identifying potential for involvement (engagement) of young people in the program to reduce the incidence of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, and FGM/C.
Latest Reports
End-line reports
- Progress on Child Marriage, but Unease about Teenage Pregnancy and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting – Results of the Yes I Do programme (2016–2020) in West Lombok and Sukabumi, Indonesia
- Preventing child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female genital mutilation/cutting in Bahir Dar Zuria and Kewet districts, Amhara region
- From “Etigila Entito Enkalamu” to “Eitia Entito Enkalamu” – How the Yes I Do programme changed lives in Kajiado County in Kenya
- “Teenage mothers can now go back to school” – Teenage pregnancy and child marriage in Traditional Authority Liwonde, Machinga district, Malawi
- “Nowadays girls already decide for themselves, girls have information of what is good and bad” – Gaining insight into (changes in) the magnitude, causes and consequences of child marriage and teenage pregnancy in Nampula, Mozambique
- Prevention or Punishment? – Teenage pregnancy and child marriage in Chadiza and Petauke, Eastern Zambia
- Champions of Change Towards gender equality in Chadiza district, Zambia Final evaluation study
- Final evaluation report on the Champions of Change programme in Liwonde, Machinga district
- Factors influencing teenage pregnancy among Maasai girls in Kajiado West Sub-County, Kenya
- Role and responsiveness of community structures and actors in upholding the rights of girls in Ewuaso, Kajiado West, Kenya.
Latest research
- What makes a woman? Understanding the reasons for and circumstances of female genital mutilation/cutting in Indonesia, Ethiopia and Kenya
- Perspectives of young people and health workers on sexual and reproductive health and its services in Bahir Dar, Amhara region, Ethiopia.
- KIT Brief: Child Marriage Cancellation in Ethiopia
- ያለዕድሜ ጋብቻን ማቋረጥ በኢትዮጵያ
- Obtaining insight into what key factors are influencing young people’s use of modern contraceptives in the Yes I Do implementation sites in Nampula Province, Northern Mozambique
- Child Marriage Cancellation: Experiences and Implications
- An Exercise in Agency – Experiences of Youth and Enabling Support Structures in claiming their SRHR
- Leadership and decision-making on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting among the Maasai in Kajiado Explorative Qualitative Research Report – February 2018
- YES I DO Study Report: Initiation ceremonies in Traditional Authority Liwonde in Machinga District in Southern Malawi
- YES I DO. Champions of Change: Towards gender equality in Traditional Authority Liwonde, Machinga: a baseline study.
- YES I DO. Champions of Change: Towards gender equality in Chadiza District, Eastern Zambia: a baseline study
- YES I DO Performance Study: Situation of teenage pregnancy and child marriage among in-school and out-ofschool youth in Nampula and Rapale, Mozambique
- Ethiopia – Amhara Region: The situation of child marriage in Qewet and Bahir Dar Zurida: a focus on gender roles, parenting and young people’s future perspectives
- A Qualitative Study on the Causes and Consequences of Divorce after Child Marriage in Sukabumi, Rembang and West Lombok Regencies
- YES I DO Champions of change: Baseline Summary 2018, Malawi.
- YES I DO Champions of change: Baseline Summary 2018, Zambia
- YES I DO Mozambique Executive Summary 2017
Midline reports
- Midterm Review 2016 to June 2018 – Synthesis report December 2018
- Midline Report Indonesia: The Situation of Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancy, and FGM/C in Sukabumi, Rembang and West Lombok Regencies
- Midline Report Malawi: Report on the midline study in Liwonde
- Midline Report Mozambique: Midline study in Nametil, Mogovolas District
- Midline Report Zambia: Gaining insight into the magnitude of and factors influencing child marriage and teenage pregnancy in Zambia
- Midline Report Pakistan: The situation of child marriage and teenage pregnancy in Sindh, Pakistan
- Midline Report Kenya: Insights on factors influencing child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female genital mutilation/cutting among the Maasai in Kajido West Kenya
- An Exercise in Agency
Baseline Reports
- Baseline Summary Ethiopia: Contextualising child marriage, teen pregnancy and female genital mutilation/cutting in the Amhara region
- Baseline Summary Zambia: Prevalence, causes and effects of child marriage and teenage pregnancy in Eastern Zambia
- Baseline Summary Mozambique: Understanding the interlinkages between child marriage and teenage pregnancy
- Baseline Summary Malawi: Contextual insights into the interlinkages between child marriage and teenage pregnancy
- Baseline Summary Kenya: Examining interrelated causes and effects of child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female genital mutilation/ cutting
- Baseline Summary Indonesia: A contextualized picture of child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female circumcision
- Baseline Summary Pakistan: Gaining insight into child marriage and teenage pregnancy
- Baseline report Ethiopia: Gaining insight into the magnitude of and factors influencing child marriage, female genital mutilation/ cutting and teenage pregnancy in Ethiopia
- Baseline Report Indonesia: A contextualised picture of child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female circumcision
- Baseline report Kenya: Examining interrelated causes and effects of child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female genital mutilation/cutting
- Baseline report Malawi: contextual insights into the interlinkages between child marriage and teenage pregnancy
- Baseline report Mozambique: Gaining insight into the magnitude of and factors influencing child marriage and teenage pregnancy and their consequences in Mozambique
- Baseline report Zambia: Prevalence, causes and effects of child marriage and teenage pregnancy in Eastern Zambia
- Baseline report Pakistan: Gaining insight into the magnitude of and factors influencing child marriage and teenage pregnancy and their consequences in Pakistan
- YES I DO Baseline Synthesis
See also
- BLOG: En-route to a better tomorrow: the connection between migration and early marriage
- BLOG: Ending Child marriage – complex, intersectional and urgent
- Brochure Yes I Do Alliance
- Annual Report 2017 Yes I Do Alliance
- BLOG: Menstrual health, the missing piece in SRHR: Reflections from a review on menstrual health in East Africa