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A review of inclusive business models and their application in aquaculture development

A.M Kaminski, F Kruijssen, S.M Cole, M.C.M Beveridge, C Dawson, C.V Mohan, S Suri, M Karim, O.L Chen, M.J Phillips, W Downing, F Weirowski, S Genschick, N Tran, W Rogers, D.C Little

For aquaculture to continue along its current growth trajectory and contribute towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, value chains must become more inclusive. Smallholders and other local value chain actors are often constrained by circumstances and market failures in the global aquaculture industry. Integrating these actors into aquaculture value chains through inclusive business models (IBMs) is often touted as a solution to sustainable and ethical trade and business that can generate development outcomes.

Thirty-six papers under seven business models commonly used in agriculture development were reviewed to assess their application in aquaculture value chains in lower-income countries.

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