Bridging research integrity and global health epidemiology (BRIDGE) statement: guidelines for good epidemiological practice
- Authors
- S Alba, K Verdonck, A Lenglet, S.F. Rumisha, M Wienia, I Teunissen, M Straetemans, W Mendoza, D Jeannetot, D Weibel, H Mayanja-Kizza, S Juvekar
Research integrity and research fairness have gained considerable momentum in the past decade and have direct implications for global health epidemiology. Research integrity and research fairness principles should be equally nurtured to produce high-quality impactful research—but bridging the two can lead to practical and ethical dilemmas.
In order to provide practical guidance to researchers and epidemiologist, this paper sets out to develop good epidemiological practice guidelines specifically for global health epidemiology, targeted at stakeholders involved in the commissioning, conduct, appraisal and publication of global health research.