Community Life Centres as a Primary Care Model in Kenya
- Authors
- Y van den Berg, D Jeannetot, L Juanola, A van der Kwaak, M Straetemans
Evaluation in Kiambu and Mandera Counties
Philips has been deploying Community Life Centres (CLCs) in various sub-Saharan African countries since 2014. These CLCs are primary care approach aiming to contribute to Universal Health Coverage by increasing quality of care and effective coverage of services, strengthening management and support functions and promoting community engagement. KIT Royal Tropical Institute has been asked by Philips Foundation to conduct an independent mixed-method evaluation to generate evidence regarding the effects of CLCs on access, utilization and quality of primary care services in Kenya and South Africa.
This Kenya country report presents the main findings of the independent evaluation of the CLCs in Kiambu and Mandera Counties.