Enhancing Food Systems in Nigeria
- Authors
- H. Posthumus, J. Dengerink, M. Dhamankar, G. Baltissen, C. Plaissier
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs aspires to enhance its trade and investment programme in support of the agri-food sector of Nigeria. The Multi-Annual Country Strategy for Nigeria identifies the following main objective: to support Nigeria in its diversification strategy from reliance on oil revenues to economic growth and job-creation based on a sustainable and inclusive agri-food sector.
Six policy themes have been identified by the Ministry: agricultural sector transformation; agribusiness, value chain development, agri-logistics; access to finance; employment (youth and women); climate change adaptation; and food & nutrition security.
The Food Systems Decision Support tool, jointly developed by KIT and Wageningen Economic Research, has been applied to provide a quick scan of the food system and identify leverage points to inform policy recommendations for the Dutch Government.