Evaluation of Dutch IRBC policy – Ethiopia Report
- Authors
- Verena Bitzer
This report is the result of a case study conducted in Ethiopia as part of the evaluation of Dutch policy on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IOB).
The Ethiopia case study aims to evaluate how different Dutch IRBC policy instruments manifest in Ethiopia and how they influence (Dutch) companies to contribute positively to economic, environmental and social progress while minimising adverse effects. The report focuses on the horticulture/floriculture sectors in view of their importance for Dutch investments and economic activities. Concerning IRBC policy instruments, the study pays most attention to the implementation of Embassy activities as well as selected private sector instruments and their ICSR frameworks (where applicable). International cooperation and legislation are included as well, but constitute a smaller share of the empirical research.