Evaluation of the DFID/WHO partnership: Synthesis report
- Authors
- J. Toonen, D. Poate, C. Barnett, M. Paalman, M. Abrial
The KIT/ITAD team was invited to carry out an evaluation of DFID’s partnership with WHO within the context of the ISP and the ISP Action Plan, and as a first example of evaluating DFID’s partnership with other multilateral organisations.
The approach, the evaluation methodology and framework have been summarised in an Inception Report and presented to, and agreed by, a DFID-WHO Evaluation Panel. This synthesis report is part of the third phase of the evaluation exercise, and has benefited from the comments of the DFID/WHO Evaluation Panel. The inception report and the Synthesis Report have been built on the following reports, produced by the team:
- Defining and evaluating « Partnerships »
- WHO, DFID and the MDGs
- M&E and results-based management within WHO
- DFID’s management of the partnership with WHO, including the ISP process, and
- DFID’s technical support to WHO;
- DFID’s financial support to WHO