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‘I Trust YouthWyze’

Charlotte Tuijl, Kettie Mikwala, Tasneem Kakal, James Zimba Junior , Maryse Kok
Publication year

Learning from the implementation of the YouthWyze intervention in Malawi and Zambia

YouthWyze is an intervention implemented under the Break Free! programme by SRHR Africa Trust (SAT). It aims to disseminate information and education around SRHR and establish linkages to SRH services for young people.

This study areas included urban and rural areas as the online component saw more uptake in the former while the latter had more concentrated offline activities. In Malawi, the Break Free! intervention areas are Traditional Authority (TA) Njerwa in Lilongwe (including Lilongwe city) and TA Chiwalo in Machinga district, while in Zambia, the areas are Chipata, Chipangali and Kasenengwa districts in the Eastern province. In Zambia, Chipata and Kasenengwa districts were chosen as study sites for feasibility purposes and because as per SAT staff, youth in Chipata and Kasenengwa were more active. The study areas also included Lusaka as the capital city.

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