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Inclusive Business Models for Cocoa Nuseries in Ghana

The CocoaTarget project aims to develop and strengthen climate-smart strategies in cocoa production systems to improve the livelihoods of up to 800,000 Ghanaian smallholder farmers who depend on cocoa for income. The project uses a citizen science approach – which involves on-farm testing of cocoa varieties – so that farmers and their communities constantly update their knowledge on cocoa varieties which are better adapted to changing local climate; and use this knowledge for decision- making in sapling production and plantation renewal to manage current and future climate risk.

One of the key objectives of the CocoaTarget project is to design appropriate dissemination and scaling mechanisms by supporting inclusive business development to ensure the delivery of diverse and adapted genetic materials of cocoa that meet the specific needs of farmers.

To contribute to this objective, this research explores the following research questions:

Are nurseries inclusive business opportunities for rural women and youth, and under what circumstances?