Learning from the positive parenting intervention by Break Free! in Ethiopia
- Authors
- Pam Baatsen, Abeje Kassegne, Tasneem Kakal
- Publication year
- June 2024
The Break Free! (BF!) programme is a multi-country programme coordinated by Plan International, together with SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) and Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) as consortium partners and the Rozaria Memorial Trust and KIT Institute as technical partners. The aim of BF! is to enable young people to exercise their right to live free from teenage
pregnancy and child marriage.
In Ethiopia, the BF! programme is — amongst others – working to improve communication
between parents and children by using a method called positive parenting (PP). To better
understand how this method is applied, its successes so far, and how it might be improved, BF!
Ethiopia and KIT decided to conduct an exploratory study. This report shares the findings of the
study for which data was collected in January and February 2024. These initial findings were
reviewed and further informed by adolescents, mothers, fathers and other stakeholders during
three small meetings in Fagita Lukuma, Dangilla and Bahir Dar Zuria districts in June 2024.