Major networks and players for Sexual Reproductive Health supplies, with focus on abortion and/or contraceptives
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The purpose of this project is to map the current major supply networks and players for Sexual and Reproductive Health supplies with a main focus on contraception and/or safe abortion commodities and supplies.
A literature review and consultation with experts in the field of SRHR supplies resulted in a 4 page report, describing the role of various major actors and networks.
The focus of the networks varies from sustainable long term initiatives in LMIC to humanitarian response in emergency situations. Governments of targeted LMIC play a role in securing SRH commodity supply, but there is no evidence confirming a strong south – to south collaboration, however there is triangular cooperation.
Lessons learned
Major actors and networks identified:
- Inter-Agency Working Group (IWAG) on reproductive health in crisis, a network of 2100 individual members from 450 agencies, plays a major role at all levels of the supply process. Their logistics sub-working-group aims to improve the global coordination of the IAWG member agencies for the availability of SRH commodities and supplies in crisis-affected settings.
- UNFPA is leading the global effort of securing reproductive health commodity. They manage, procure and distribute the Inter Agency Reproductive Health (RH) Kits.
- Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security (GPRHCS) is a framework aiming to ensure steady and reliable supply of quality RH commodities in developing countries, with a focus on countries with a high unmet need for family planning and a high maternal mortality rate.
- Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) is an important network, with more than 300 organizational members, working towards universal access to affordable, high quality supplies to improve the reproductive health of all people in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC).
- WHO sets the standards for RH interventions based on evidence and has dedicated departments providing guidance on (SRH) medicines and medical devices and hosts the Reproductive Health Essential Medicines (RHEM) Resource Portal, a one-stop source for information related to improving access to quality reproductive health essential medicines.
- Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has their own supplies, therefore they form a major player for SRH supplies in the 69 countries they work. Access to contraception and safe abortion are important components of the SRH services MSF provides.
- The Ipas Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) kit is used in over 100 countries, and is the world’s most utilized, safe and effective surgical abortion technology. Ipas provided over one million reusable MVA kits and served more than 32 million women since 2009.
- DKT is one of the largest providers of family planning services in Low and Middle Income Countries (covering over 35 countries). DKT expands access to abortion care by ensuring abortion-related products and technologies are widely available.
Examples of Social marketing organizations focusing on RH supply include the following:
- DKT International, Marie Stopes International, and Population Services International FP202 is a global partnership encouraging country-level progress on family planning goals, aiming to reach 120 million women and girls with FP services by 2020. According to the Global Contraceptive Commodity Gap Analysis conducted by RHSC, the total spending on contraception in the 135 LMI countries in 2014 was $1.2 billion. The private sector accounted for 58% of the spending. 42% of the spending was at the account of the public sector (17% governments and 25% donors).
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