Platforms for Brokering & Learning
- Authors
- L. van Veldhuizen, V. Thotoli, H. Zevenbergen
Lessons on Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Farmer-Led Irrigation Development
This publicaton draws lessons from the three years of experience in managing ‘Irrigaton Acceleraton Platorms (IAPs)’ established under the Smart Water for Agriculture project in Kenya.
The project was proposed in response to the increased uncertaintes smallholder farmers face due to climate change in Kenya, especially with respect to water, and aimed to support farmer-led initatves in irrigaton and promote market-based solutons which are appropriately adapted to meet famer needs and opportunites. Within the project, IAPs were envisaged as mult-stakeholder arena’s that provides an entry point for the assessment, development and promoton of existng and new irrigaton solutons, taking into account the requirements of the farmers, as well as the business consideratons of the soluton providers.