Situational analysis SRHR Guatemala
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Situation analysis of the context of SRHR in Guatemala, with a special focus on the impact of the global gag rule the organizations working on SRHR, to identify opportunities for the Swedish embassy to work on SRHR (strategies, areas, partners).
The global gag rule directly had not a big impact, the biggest impact was the removal of funding to the UNFPA. Most of the work in Guatemala is being done on reproductive health (maternal health for example) but much less on sexual health and without a rights perspective. Hence, in line with the Swedish experience on human rights, the general recommendation was to work on SRHR from the rights perspective (Abortion, LGBTI, youth access to contraceptives etc).
Lessons learned
In Guatemala the political and legal framework on SRHR is advances and good, the problem is the implementation. Sustained solutions need to work together with the State entities (ministry of health and ministry of education) to with capacity building and organizational strengthening (at national, regional and local levels) so that the implementation is more effective.
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