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Summary webinar RH supplies in humanitarian settings


The purpose of this project was to list key messages delivered during the webinar ‘When She Needs it Most: Access to Reproductive Health Supplies in Humanitarian Settings’ co-hosted by The Inter-Agency Working Group for Reproductive Health in Crisis (IAWG) and The Advocacy and Accountability Working Group of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC)


A webinar as part of a series was organized to provide a stronger background on the key Reproductive Health (RH) supply chain for commodities – including contraceptives – and the challenges across different contexts from emergency responses to recovery and preparedness. Key findings were listed for the following presentation:

  1. Crisis affected settings and the need for SRH supplies: An overview. By Sarah Rich, Senior Advisor, SRH Women’s Refugee Commission
  2. Sexual and Reproductive Health Supplies in Emergency Response By Danielle Jurman, UNFPA, & Elizabeth Noznesky, CARE,
  3. When she needs it most: Access to Reproductive Health supplies in emergency settings. Recovery Phase. By Nadia Olsen, Senior Technical Advisor, JSI
  4. Prepositioning emergency SRH supplies as part of humanitarian preparedness. By Branwen Millar, Humanitarian Officer, UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office

Lessons learned

This webinar discussed the faced challenges but also refers to lessons learned and practices that can strengthen the supply of RH commodities in three stages of the emergency management cycle covering preparedness, response and recovery stages.


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