Sustainability of the activities of the International Vaccine Institute Seoul
- Authors
- Masja Straetemans, Lisanne Gerstel, Mirna Robert-Du Ry van Beest Holle, Jurrien Toonen
The purpose of this project was to perform a study to assess the sustainability, in terms of funding as well as the International Vaccine Institute’s (IVI) external communication and visibility
The outcome of the project is a 16 page report (excluding Annexes) describing the main achievements, collaboration, sustainability and communication of the International Vaccine Institute (IVI). This report can be used by Sida to support the continuation of funding from Sweden but also by other potential donors to learn more about IVI to consider funding.
Lessons learned
The international Vaccine institute (IVI) in Seoul has had important achievements in getting vaccines for important diseases like Cholera and Typhoid fever to the people in need. They have done so with support of a few major donors, which include the Government of Korea, SIDA and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. IVI has substantial overhead costs with a laboratory and big building. Although current donors and stakeholders are all very positive about IVI, IVI should aim to be less dependent on a few donors, and it is trying to increase donors and increase visibility. The website will be updated. Also strategic decisions with regards to the scientific focus and geographical focus need to be taken by the new management (<2 yrs).