Towards a mechanism of innovative financing for the promotion of farmer innovation
- Authors
- OUATTARA Do Christophe, SIGUE Hamadé, TRAORE Oumarou Mahamane, BANGALI Siaka, OUEDRAOGO M. Mathieu
The Local Innovation Support Fund (LISF) led in Burkina Faso, took its example from pilot projects led by PROLINNOVA (an international program of partnership that promotes local innovation and Participatory Innovation Development – PID). It is an alternative mechanism of financing that permits innovative farmers to have access to resources allowing them to pursue their own research in collaboration with other professionals.
In the framework of the project Strengthening Farmer led Research Networks for agroecological intensification in Burkina Faso (FaReNe), the LISF was implemented in three areas situated in two regions(Eastern region and Northern Region), in a context in which the weakness of financial support-advice to peasant world is significant. The fund is based on the applications for farming researches related to concerns linked to the production which the producers are confronted with. It is particularly a question of technical and material support to improve the innovative practices
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