Working paper series: Strengthening Legal Education in Eastern Indonesia
- Authors
- Laurens van Veldhuizen , Daan Romein, Adriaan Bedner, Stijn van Huis, Bivitri Susanti, Widodo Dwi Putro, Jacqueline Vel, Lieselotte Heederik, Rikardo Simarmata, Sri Wiyanti Eddyono and Herlambang Wiratraman
How can legal education in Indonesia become more relevant for supporting the rule of law and providing legal services that common citizens need?
The SLEEI project aims to strengthen legal education, which is a crucial part of maintaining the rule of law. Many Indonesian citizens cannot realise their rights and continue to face a lack of legal certainty: it is often unclear what laws apply in particular situations and it is hard to predict how the courts or the government will interpret them.
The SLEEI team wrote working papers summarising the core aspects of five themes in legal education: 1) interactive teaching, 2) legal skills, 3) legal ethics, 4) integrating gender in legal education, and 5) law in local context.
The papers will serve as training reference materials for law lecturers in Eastern Indonesia. Each paper explores the issues that come up when enhancing law courses on content regarding the themes. The papers also contain practical suggestions on how to integrate the enhancements in existing courses. These five papers compose the core of what will become the SLEEI manual for strengthening legal education. They are co-authored by Indonesian and Dutch experts who cooperate in SLEEI.
The Indonesian version of the papers can be accessed through SLEEI’s website in Bahasa where you can also find more information on the project, events and updates.