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International knowledge networks and platforms

In an increasingly globalised and complex world, international learning, communication and collaboration around global development challenges are major avenues for realising impact. Rapid developments in Information & Communication Technology are opening new opportunities for international networking and learning.

KIT Institute is uniquely placed to support knowledge networks, organise and host secretariats or coordination hubs and facilitate network functioning and activities. As an independent, neutral knowledge institute, KIT plays a convening role. We bring together stakeholders with different backgrounds and agendas, facilitate an open exchange, and encourage collaboration and innovation for change.

Facilitation and content expertise

Alongside our network facilitation, communication skills and international networking support infrastructure, our advisors have extensive content expertise in health, agricultural development and gender.

KIT-facilitated networks and platforms foster long-term engagement and ‘ownership’ of network members, at all levels. Knowledge generation and dissemination are prioritised. Through our networks and platforms, we put knowledge to work in development practice and policy.

Related projects

  • Gender Resource Facility

    • Institute
    • Project

    The Gender Resource Facility (GRF) supported the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its embassies in integrating gender equality into policy development and programme implementation.  GRF supports women’s rights & gender equality The GRF was established in mid-2014 and was operated by a consortium of KIT Royal Tropical Institute and Femconsult. It was formed at […]

  • Share-Net International: The Knowledge Platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    • Institute
    • Project

    The Platform’s focus is on strengthening the role knowledge can play in developing evidence-based policies and practices for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). It also ensures that resources are used strategically, including in relation to the four core areas of Dutch policy on SRHR: Achievements Since its inception, Share-Net International has been implementing […]

  • CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research

    • Institute
    • Project

    In January 2016, CGIAR established the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, hosted by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets and coordinated by KIT Royal Tropical Institute. The Platform aims to increase the visibility, impact and quality of CGIAR gender research, while advancing a system-wide research agenda on gender, aqua/agriculture and natural […]


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