Monitoring, Evaluation & Impact Assessment
Monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment are powerful tools to assess health, social, and economic impact. They allow us to learn what works and why. Our expertise and track record in these areas make us well-equipped to evaluate your work.
Our partners—globally operating companies, government agencies and non-governmental organisations—use our capabilities to become more accountable, transparent and effective in their work.
Customised approach
With our extensive experience in the field of monitoring, evaluations and impact assessment we work with the most advanced evaluation methods and tools available. Our methods are continually being refined, and our partners rely on us to bring clarity and quantify impact. We do not simply look for what has occurred but dig deeper to find out why. We examine the causes behind the measured changes, and our evaluations provide insights into what works and what does not, and for whom.
Our methods
KIT employs both qualitative and quantitative methods to assess a given intervention in a system or process. Where necessary, we include the skills and expertise of other KIT departments, and we adapt the tools we use to the requirements of the context. We work to the globally accepted OECD DAC principles of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.
Extending accountability
Impact assessments provide external benefits by providing clarity in communications to supporters and funders. Internally, they assist the efficient allocation of resources by evaluating overall impact and draw lessons from past performance.
Governments, non-profit organisations, and businesses are often required to demonstrate accountability through socio-economic valuation of their activities. However, making accurate assessments of impact is not easy. This is because the impact that is being measured is often not easily captured by statistics. How, for example, do you capture whether the quality of life of an individual or the well-being of a community has improved? This is what we consider as ‘impact’ and make clear to your audiences.
Related Projects
KIT MAG: an annual magazine packed with stories about our activities, at our campus in Amsterdam and with partners worldwide.
Browse the magazine online or take a copy with you when you visit KIT (at the reception).