SDG Services
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) challenge the global community to build a world where no one is left behind. Have you embarked on your SDG journey?
Whether you are new to the SDGs or an experienced change maker, we can help you realise your SDG potential. With strong expertise in global health, sustainable economic development, gender and intercultural communication, KIT Royal Tropical Institute can help you to make organisational changes that contribute to the SDGs. We offer a wide range of tailor-made solutions to help you understand the impact of your organisation’s activities and make them more sustainable.
Our advisors can support you across all stages of your SDG journey. Download our brochure or keep on reading below.
Go directly to:
- Stage 1: Situate your organisation in the 2030 Development Agenda
- Stage 2: Enhance your SDG knowledge and capabilities
- Stage 3: Expand your SDG footprint and engagement
- Stage 4: Measure your SDG footprint and achievements
- Stage 5: Manage your SDG knowledge and share your story

Stage 1: Situate your organisation in the 2030 Development Agenda
Do you ask yourself these questions:
- Which SDGs is my organisation working towards and what opportunities exist?
- How would I like to contribute to a world where no one is left behind?
Our SDG crash course or organisational quick scan can help you answer these questions.
The SDG crash course provides an introduction to the sustainability agenda and inspires you to take action.
Our one-day course covers the background of the 2030 agenda, the specific SDGs, front runners, and tools available. This course will help you visualise your SDG potential using participatory exercises, inspirational lectures, a tour of SDG House and networking activities. Our experts guide you through a co-creation process with other participants to design SDG-linked activities relevant to your organisation.
The organisational quick scan helps you to understand your organisation’s position and potential in the SDG landscape.
Our SDG experts systematically analyse your organisation’s mission and strategic direction and link this to the SDGs and specific targets. We use a participatory approach that culminates in strategic advice on how your organisation can further embark on the SDG journey and contribute to achieving the goals by 2030.
Stage 2: Enhance your SDG knowledge and capabilities
Do you ask yourself these questions:
- Curious about the latest evidence on what works to create change towards the SDG goals?
- What are my organisation’s needs for SDG knowledge and skills?
- Or, how can I best build the SDG skills and knowledge of my employees?
Contact us about our:
- SDG Change Makers course
- SDG evidence maps, or
- Tailor-made trainings on specific SDGs.
The SDG Change Makers course is your chance to learn from different organisations with deep experience across the SDG journey.
Work with KIT facilitators and other change makers to develop tailor-made ‘change packages’ to help your company realise its SDG aspirations.
During several months you will develop, implement and test your change ideas within your organisation and reflect on this experience with other change makers to understand how you can create further change and enhance your organisation’s contribution to the SDGs.
SDG evidence maps: create an overview of the latest evidence and insights on programmes, policies and initiatives that contribute to a specific SDG and its individual targets.
Our experts collect the latest evidence for a particular SDG or target of your organisations’ interest. This ‘evidence map’ will provide a quick overview of the available evidence and show the quality and potential knowledge gaps within the context of specific SDGs.
Tailor-made trainings on specific SDGs: deepen your understanding of the issues and challenges surrounding a specific SDG, but also the available knowledge, capacities and solutions for making progress towards the 2030 goals.
We design tailor-made trainings that build your capacity to work in a meaningful way on a particular SDG. Together with KIT’s experts, you will design the training, determine your learning objectives and choose the most suitable teaching methods. Training activities consist of inspirational lectures, reading materials, homework exercises, in-class debates, and individual and groups assignments. Long-term and online/distance training courses are also possible.
Stage 3: Expand your SDG footprint and engagement
Do you ask yourself these questions:
- How can my organisation increase the impact of our current SDG activities?
- What barriers do we face?
- Is it time to re-think our SDG strategies and policies based and set priorities based on the latest evidence and lessons learned from peers?
- How can the SDGs be used for business model innovation and to realign our goals?
SDG applied research: work with us to study specific SDG-related problems and strategies to overcome them
Our applied research fills knowledge gaps identified by our clients and partners. We use a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection methods in an iterative and participatory process. We create a solid evidence base on SDG-related themes, informing context-specific priority setting processes, policy recommendations and intervention strategies. This is how we support public and private sector organisations to improve the impact of their work on the SDGs.
SDG Theory of Change (ToC) workshop: co-create a ToC for your organisation or specific project that enables you to better visualise and monitor how your activities and business contribute to the SDGs.
Facilitated by KIT’s SDG experts, you and your team will discuss how your organisation can work towards changes that better align it with the SDGs (e.g. how to pay more attention to issues of gender, sustainability or fair value chains within the organisation, value chain or project). Guided by your organisational goal(s), we host a three day workshop dedicated to realising this goal, while identifying possible pathways to change and underlying assumptions along the way. The workshop concludes with a discussion of how to plan and implement the ToC.
Stage 4: Measure your SDG footprint and achievements
Do you ask yourself these questions:
- How can my organisation best measure the impact of our SDG agenda?
- What is the effect of our SDG-related activities on our business, our value chain, or specific SDG indicators?
- How can we link these to SDG reporting requirements?
KIT’s partners rely on us to bring clarity and quantify impact. We work with the most advanced evaluation methods and tools available. We do not simply look for what has occurred; we dig deeper to find out why initiatives do or do not create change towards the SDGs and their targets.
We employ both qualitative and quantitative methods to assess a given intervention. For each assignment we construct a team of multi-disciplinary experts with relevant skills and adapt our tools to the requirements of the context. We work to the globally accepted OECD DAC evaluation criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.
Stage 5: Manage your SDG knowledge and share your story
Does my organisation have a unique SDG story to tell? What is the best way to communicate our SDG knowledge and achievements? How can we position ourselves to build a stronger network and continue expanding our SDG footprint and engagement
Work with KIT to compile and make visible your organisation’s SDG knowledge and communicate this to your stakeholders.
KIT helps projects and organisations to systematically document their key experiences related to the SDGs. We draw out innovative elements and lessons learned and use them to craft compelling content such as published papers, policy briefs, books, blogs, and videos. Our support contributes to individual and organisational analysis and learning that helps you to increase the impact of your work and stimulate stakeholder engagement. This increases your visibility, and reinforces your credibility as an effective SDG actor.
Examples of SDG knowledge management activities are:
- Direct stakeholder learning workshops
- Data collection by KIT and/or local practitioners
- Distance coaching by KIT experts
- Support in data analysis
- Expert consultations
- Write-shops
- storytelling
- Editing and publishing suppor