Ana Portocarrero
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Ana Victoria Portocarrero is a passionate feminist researcher, educator and activist focussed on economic and environmental justice, gender, sexuality and development, climate change and food sovereignty. She has more than 15 years’ experience working with grassroots organizations, diverse social movements, state institutions, (I)NGOs, and academia on the unveiling, strengthening and creation of alternative feminist economies based on an ethics of care for humans and nature.
She holds a degree in Economics and a masters in Development Studies. She is currently pursuing a PhD on Climate Change, Food Sovereignty, and Peasant Feminism, focussing on the Central American region, particularly Nicaragua.
Ana Victoria has extensive experience on feminist research with emphasis on discourse analysis methodologies, gender integration in public and private educational institutions, coordination and evaluation of projects, programs and policies, and on the design, implementation and teaching of educational programs.
Women’s sexual rights and empowerment beyond the liberal paradigm:
Book chapter
Understanding sexuality and power relations from the life experiences of young women Women’s sexuality was originally included in the development agenda mainly in relation to health and risks. With time, it has started to be understood also through the lenses of the ‘empowerment’ and ‘rights’ approaches. This chapter looks at the way in which young […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
- ‘Women’s Empowerment Beyond the Liberal Paradigm’. In Heumann and Antillón (eds.). Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice (Forthcoming – 2021). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Challenges of Social Inclusion in Universities: Links between Intersectionality and Epistemic Justice. In Critical Education and Emancipation: Honorable Mentions (pp. 57-74). CLACSO.
- ‘Feminism and Ecology: The Role of Universities in Relation to the Environmental Crisis’. Revista Encuentro 103. Universidad Centroamericana (2016). Nicaragua.
- ‘Service is not Servitude: Links between capitalism and feminist liberal conceptions of pleasure. Case studies from Nicaragua’ (2013). IJPCS. Springer Netherlands.
- ‘After the Revolution: Gender, Politics and Culture in Neoliberal Nicaragua’ (2012). Revista de Historia. No. 28, pp. 102-107. IHNCA, Universidad Centroamericana.
- With Wendy Harcourt (forthcoming). ‘Transforming Fear in Hope: Women-led community systems of resilience and autonomy in times of COVID-19’. Gender, Place and Culture, Frontiers, and Environment and Planning. E. Taylor & Francis.
- With Silke Heumann and Camilo Antillón (2016). “Transgendered bodies as subjects of feminism: transpersons and politics in the Nicaraguan feminist movement.” In W. Harcourt, et al. (eds.). Bodies in Resistence: Gender Politics in a Neoliberal Era. Palgrave Macmillan.
- With Edurne Larracoechea (2016). Our Daily Resistances: Everyday Subversions to Symbolic and Material Violence (eds.). Universidad Centroamericana / United Nations Fund for Population Activities. Nicaragua, UCA Publicaciones.
- With Des Gasper and Asunción Lera St. Clair (2013). “An Analysis of the Human Development Report 2011: Sustainability and Equity: A Better Future for All”. In J. Dugard, A. St. Clair & S. Gloppen (eds). Climate Talk: Rights, Poverty and the Future. South Africa: Juta.
- With Des Gasper and Asunción Lera St. Clair (2013). “Climate Change and Development Framings: A comparative analysis of the Human Development Report 2007/8 and the World Development Report 2010”. Global Environmental Change. Elsevier.
- With Lisa Juanola, et al. (2014). Recommendations for mainstreaming social inclusión and equity in education and research. Proyecto Medidas para la Inclusión Social y Equidad en Instituciones de Educación Superior en América Latina – MISEAL. Freie Universitat Berlin.
- With Ligia Arana (2014). Sexual diversity and higher education. In Carvajal Z., Chinchilla H., Penabad M., Ulate C. (eds). Guía para acompañar procesos de sensibilización sobre inclusión social y equidad desde la perspectiva interseccional, Segunda edición 2014. Freie Universitat Berlin.
- Management Model of Good Business Practices with Gender Equality. Capítulo Nacional de World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2012). uniRSE – Nicaragua.
- The Garment Sector and Sustainable Development in Nicaragua (2010). Fund Document No. 7. International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development – Switzerland.