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Coen Buvelot

Impact Economics
Junior Advisor

Coen Buvelot is an impact evaluation expert specializing in quantitative research methods. He holds a Master’s from Erasmus University Rotterdam in International Economics, specialising in the geospatial effects of import barriers on labour conditions. He has expertise in the field of data science, statistics and research in Liberia, Tanzania, and India. 

In his work, he strives to transform quantitative data into insights that are statistically sound, easy to comprehend, and practical to use. He has experience in data collection and analysis, predictive modelling, and data visualization through dashboards. Before KIT, he worked in commercial and government organisations, where he worked on the entire data chain. At KIT, Coen participates in both design and implementation of M&E programs and products for various impact areas, such as epidemiology, climate change, and agricultural development. In any of those fields, Coen helps our clients to measure their value for money.


  • Mid-term Evaluation of The Coffee Farmer Income Resilience Program (CFIRP)

    • Institute
    • Project

    The Coffee Farmer Income Resilience Program (CFIRP), launched in Kenya and Uganda by the IKEA Foundation and IDH, aims to address the daily challenges faced by coffee farmers and improve their livelihoods. The programme focuses on increasing income resilience by integrating sustainable farming practices, known as regenerative agriculture, with support services tailored to farmers’ needs. […]

  • Towards more effective ways to address child labour in the cocoa sector

    • Institute
    • Project

    Child labour remains a persistent human rights violation in the cocoa sector, impacting children’s physical and mental health while depriving them of educational opportunities. The cocoa sector is increasingly responding to this issue by implementing innovative programmes, targeting the root causes of child labour, such as poverty and a lack of access to quality education. […]

  • Nestlé Income Accelerator Programme (IAP)

    • Institute
    • Project

    This innovative intervention aims to tackle child labour, decrease poverty, promote diversification and push for more gender equality. The Income Accelerator Programme (IAP) is a four-year program initiated by Nestlé and six of their traders aimed at increasing the income levels of 10,000 cocoa farming households in Côte d’Ivoire while reducing the prevalence and risk of […]

  • Accelerating Agriculture and Agribusiness in South Sudan

    • Institute
    • Project

    A3-Seed The seed sector in South Sudan is currently dominated by seed aid. The A3-Seed project seeks to reduce the country’s dependancy on foreign-sourced seeds, and humanitarian support, with the aim to transform the seed sector into a commercially viable one.  “The yield was not good” As part of the project, we recently held an […]

  • A machine learning tool to estimate net annual income of cocoa and coffee farming households

    • Institute
    • Project

    What is the income of farming households and does it afford a decent living standard? This is a key question to answer in the design, monitoring, and evaluation of interventions seeking to improve livelihoods of farmers at the starting points of global supply chains such as cocoa and coffee. The answer requires primary data collection […]

  • Demand-side research on migrant remittances

    • Institute
    • Project

    In 2020, an estimated 3.6 percent (281 million people) of the global population were migrants. The officially recorded flow of remittances from migrants to low­- and middle-income countries reached USD 540 billion in 2020. Remittances represent a large component of GDP for many receiving countries and are a major supporting income stream for many households.  […]

  • HortiNigeria

    • Institute
    • Project

    Nigeria is currently unable to meet the local demand for vegetables, with a supply gap of around 13 million metric tons. The HortiNigeria programme aims narrow this gap by transforming and accelerating the development of a sustainable and inclusive horticulture sector that contributes to food and nutrition security in rural communities and alleviates poverty. The […]

  • Evaluation of the IDH-NICFI “Connecting Production, Protection & Inclusion” Landscape Programme

    • Institute
    • Project

    Landscape approaches seek to reconcile social, economic, and environmental objectives in areas where agriculture and other productive land uses compete with environmental and biodiversity goals. The Sustainable Trade Initiative’s (IDH) pioneering role in promoting such landscape transformation is captured in the Production, Protection & Inclusion (PPI) approach – a three-pronged process that focuses on sustainably increasing productivity, protecting […]

  • Annual Outcome Surveys for the AGRA PIATA programme

    • Institute
    • Project

    The Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) intends to catalyse and sustain an inclusive agricultural transformation in Africa by increasing incomes and improving food security for 30 million farming households in 11 focus countries. KIT is supporting AGRA in achieving this ambition by measuring and assessing progress at a household and agricultural systems level. […]
