Gerard Baltissen
- Department
- Inclusive Food Systems
- Title
- Senior Advisor
- Phone
- +31 (0) 20 56 88 219
- g.baltissen@kit.nl
Gerard Baltissen is an agronomist with more than 25 years of experience in land and natural resources governance, agricultural research and extension, rural decentralisation and localgovernance processes and community driven development, mostly in Africa.
L’essor des petits producteurs agricoles au Burkina Faso
L’approche du Projet d’Amélioration de la Productivité agricole et de la Sécurité Alimentaire. Le Projet d’Amélioration de la Productivité agricole et de la Sécurité Alimentaire (PAPSA), financé par la Banque mondiale, avait pour objectif « d’améliorer la capacité des petits producteurs pauvres à accroître les productions vivrières et assurer une plus grande disponibilité de ces […]
Addressing Land Governance in International Responsible Business Conduct Agreements
The study was commissioned to the KIT Royal Tropical Institute in July 2017 by the Land Dialogue, with financial support from the Dutch Government. The objective is to provide insight and guidance into the relevance of land governance as a possible priority theme to be considered in the process of the International Responsible Business Conduct […]
Improving the positive impacts of investments on smallholder livelihoods
and the landscapes they live in This working paper is aimed at impact investors, and presents key pointers or core guidance that have been drawn from international standards, principles and case studies, that follow. It provides solid and evidence-based examples of how investors can work with smallholders and promote better land governance and livelihoods. International […]
Sur le chemin du développement local: Les acquis du PNGT2 au Burkina Faso
Le Deuxième Programme National de Gestion des Terroirs (PNGT2) au Burkina Faso est un programme de développement rural à base communautaire qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pauvreté. Le Programme y contribue à travers le transfert accéléré des ressources publiques au milieu rural pour la réalisation d’infrastructures socio-économiques et productives ainsi […]
Enhancing Food Systems in Nigeria
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs aspires to enhance its trade and investment programme in support of the agri-food sector of Nigeria. The Multi-Annual Country Strategy for Nigeria identifies the following main objective: to support Nigeria in its diversification strategy from reliance on oil revenues to economic growth and job-creation based on a sustainable and […]
Addressing Land Governance in International Responsible Business Conduct
International business is confronted with significant risks and impacts related to human rights, labour rights, environment and climate change. These impact on local communities, economies, environment and land use in “host” countries, but also affect Dutch companies and consumers. In order to address these risks and initiated by the Dutch Government, the Dutch Social-Economic Council […]
Community driven development: toolkit for national stocktaking and review
O objectivo geral para as actividades do triplo A (AAA: Analytical and Advisory Activities) é de reforçar e consolidar a capacidade das equipas nacionais (do Banco Mundial) e dos parceiros clientes para integração estratégica e sistémica da abordagem de CDD nos estratégias programas nacionais para a redução da pobreza. AAA esta ligado a demanda especifica […]
Bulletin 357 – Financer la décentralisation rurale
Dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, les gouvernements ont pris l’engagement politique de lancer ou d’approfondir le processus de décentralisation afin, notamment, d’accroître la démocratie locale, de rapprocher les services publics des populations et de promouvoir le développement local. La décentralisation est un processus complexe et de longue haleine qui va bien au-delà d’un réaménagement […]
Bulletin 356 – Challenges for a viable decentralisation process in rural Burkina Faso
A landlocked Sahelian country, Burkina Faso has an estimated population ofaround 12 million inhabitants and covers 274 000 km2. Its location presents considerable challenges for the economic development of the country. The climate can be classified as Sudanese, with two contrasting seasons, a rainy and a dry season lengthening into the more northern reaches of […]
Going for governance
Lessons learned from advisory interventions by the Royal Tropical Institute Governance is important in every aspect of sustainable development, as it affects guidance, processes, consistent management, cohesive policies, accountability mechanisms and the right to decide on particular areas of responsibility. This is equally true of all types of organisation, regardless of their purpose and motivation […]
- Year of publication
- 2013
Soutenir la mise en oeuvre de la décentralisation en milieu rurale au Mali
- Year of publication
- 2002
- Mundie Salm, Richard Hawkins, Ruud Ludemann, Mariana Wongtschowski, Marlene Roefs, Gerard Baltissen, Jifke Sol, Anouka van Eerdewijk, Driek Enserink (2014). The need for institutional change in capacity development of tertiary agricultural education.
Working papers:
- Hilhorst, T., Baltissen, G., & Lodenstein, E. (2008). What can rural local governments contribute to private sector development? KIT Working Papers Series G2. Amsterdam: KIT.
- Idrissou A.I., Wennink B., Baltissen G. and Obura F. (2014). La gouvernance du foncier rural au Bénin : La société civile s’engage. SNV – PROCOTON Benin
- Sanou B., Baltissen G. (2012). Gouvernance locale du foncier rural et des ressources naturelles au Burkina Faso. OFAM – SNV – KIT.
- Maro, G. et al (2012).Understanding nomadic realities: Case studies on sexual and reproductive health and rights in East Africa. Anke van der Kwaak, Gerard Baltissen, David Plummer, Kristina Ferris and John Nduba (Eds.). AMREF/KIT Publishers.
- Bikebako, P. et al. (2012). Renforcement de la gouvernance locale au Burundi : l’expériences des institutions collinaires et communales. G. Baltissen, T. Hilhorst (eds.). KIT Publishers.
- Andriamihaja, E. et al. (2011). Regards croisés sur le développement local à Madagascar. G. Baltissen, T. Hilhorst (eds.). KMF, Fiantso, CEDII, KIT.
- Sesay, S. et al (2010). Strengthening social capital: The GoBifo approach in rural Sierra Leone . G. Baltissen and M. Manjey (Eds.). KIT Publishers.
- Liliequist, G. et al. (2010). Making sense of capacity development: Experiences with Technical Assistance and Capacity Development in the HIV response. Judith King, Greg Munro, Emily Oro, Dian Zaman, Françoise Jenniskens, Pam Baatsen and Gerard Baltissen (Eds.). KIT Publishers.
- Keita, A., C. G. Weinsou, F. Lokossou, G. Sène, J. Schaeffer, G. Galamo, F. F. Ngomsu, D. Kone, Y. Ladoua, Baltissen G., Hilhorst T. (2008). Accroître les ressources financières des communes : Pratiques émergentes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. SNV/KIT
- Asaré Kokou S., Coulibaly C., Kiwallo, B., Ouédrogo Z., Alidou M. (2007). Gender and municipal planning. Experiences from Benin, Mali and Niger. Edited by Gerard Baltissen and Thea Hilhorst. SNV/KIT/Diro Center
- Bako-Arifari N., Dicko A.B., Doevenspeck M., Sanou B.W., Singer U, Hilhorst T. and Baltissen G. (2004). Financer la décentralisation rurale : taxes et impôts à l’échelle locale au Bénin, Burkina Faso et Mali. KIT Bulletin No 358. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Wennink, B. and Baltissen G. (2003). “Let’s Ease our Pace Because We Are in a Hurry: Scaling Up Community Driven Development in Benin.” World Bank – KIT
- Baltissen G., Wabwile E., Kooijman M. and T. Defoer (2000). Facilitating learning processes in agricultural extension : lessons from Western Kenya. Managing Africa’s Soils No20. IIED/KARI/KIT. 20p.
- Ley, G.J., Baltissen, G., Veldkamp, W., Nyaki, A.S. and T. Schrader (2002). Towards Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Tanzania. Developing farmers’options and responsive policies in the context of prevailing agro-ecological, socio-economic and institutional conditions. United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production, Division of Research and Development, Client Oriented Research Programme. KIT Publishers, November 2002.
- Agossou V., Baltissen G., Béavogui L., Blokland A., Glounaho D., Kébé D., Somda D., Rafaranivomihamina Y. et J. Weetjens (2000). Village Participation in Rural Development. Manual, Tools. The African Participatory Approaches Network. KIT/World Bank.
- Baltissen, G., Soumah, M.L., Touré, B., Van Poelje, R., (2007). Manuel Prévention, Analyse et Gestion des Conflits en Guinée. Tome 1 : Guide de l’Animateur. Tome 2 : Boîte à Outils. Tome 3 : Guide du Formateur. Programme d’Appui aux Communautés Villageoises (PACV), Institut Royal des Tropiques.
- Cissé, A., Diabaté, H., Ballo, D., Baltissen, G., Heus, M. and Hilhorst T. (2003). Soutenir la mise en œuvre de la décentralisation en milieu rural au Mali. Tome I : Thèmes d’actualité, Tome II : Boîte à outils. KIT Publishers Amsterdam, Centre Djoliba Bamako.
- Agossou V., Baltissen G., 1996. Les premières orientations de la recherche-développement en gestion de terroir au Bénin: méthodologie. Bulletin de la Recherche Agronomique du Bénin, No 13, janvier 1996, p 1-6.